The Lit! Project for Solar Reading Power

Solar Lanterns for Students Without Electricity

Lit! provides solar lanterns to students in developing countries, replacing dim, dirty, dangerous kerosene lamps in their homes.

Solar lanterns...

Boost children's literacy and education. Children can study after dark with good light for reading and writing, leading to a deeper connection with the learning process.

Support families' health. Our lanterns replace kerosene lamps, which contribute to diseases like asthma, pneumonia, and lung cancer. Mothers and young children are especially vulnerable because they spend the most time at home.

Help parents feed their children. Our research shows that parents freed from costly kerosene purchases spend much of their savings on food.

Aid economic development. Families are able to extend their productivity into the evening hours, helping to raise their communities out of poverty.

Fight global warming. Each kerosene lamp replaced with a solar lantern can prevent the release of over a ton of carbon dioxide.

Just $10 can give a student a lantern—not only this year, but every year from now on! This is made possible by The Lit! Project's revolving fund model: some of each family's kerosene savings goes into a fund this year to purchase lanterns for next year's incoming students, and so on.

The Lit! Project for Solar Reading Power was developed by high schooler Ben Hirschfeld. He and his team of local teens, aided by youth volunteers across the United States, fundraise through farmers' markets and music festivals, benefit concerts and read-a-thons. If you would like to donate specifically to The Lit! Project, please include a note with your online contribution in the "comments" section provided by PayPal after you click the donate link, or on your check.
Accomplished so far:
• After a series of deliveries and test phases, lanterns are currently in use by our partners in Kenya