World Read Aloud Day is Coming, Spread the Word!

World Read Aloud Day is Wednesday, March 4th, 2015. Last year over one million people in more than 80 countries celebrated this day of joy and this year we want to reach at least 100 countries. We need your help spreading the word about the magic of World Read Aloud Day. Use the sample social media posts below to rally your friends, family and community for the big day! Stay up to date with all World Read Aloud Day happenings by following LitWorld on Facebook and Twitter @litworldsays.

Last year 1 million people celebrated World Read Aloud Day. Make the movement bigger this year #readaloud on 3/4!

I will read aloud on 3/4 for World Read Aloud Day, will you? #ReadAloud. Change the world. #wrad

The 2015 World Read Aloud Day activity packet is here! Plan your joyful celebration today:

Reading is magic that every child must experience. RT if you will celebrate World Read Aloud Day on 3/4 with @litworldsays. #wrad #readaloud

My favorite thing about reading aloud is _____________. #readaloud #wrad

Read aloud, read aloud, the key to everything: read aloud. Join the World Read Aloud Day movement: