World Read Aloud Day Frequently Asked Questions

Whether you are celebrating World Read Aloud Day for the first or sixth time, read through our frequently asked questions below for ideas and inspiration for your 2015 planning.

I’m busy on March 4th, can I still celebrate WRAD?

Definitely. We would be happy if every day was World Read Aloud Day! Celebrate when your schedule allows and be sure to tweet, post and share stories with the LitWorld team so that we can track our global movement.

Are there designated books for WRAD? 

There are no designated books for World Read Aloud Day. You are free to read whatever brings you the most joy. We recommend trying out different genres to discover how they feel to read aloud. Poetry especially lends itself well to this activity. If you do not have easy access to a book, the LitWorld website has a free downloadable picture book called “New Day, New Friends” by C. Alexander London.

I’m not a teacher, can I still celebrate World Read Aloud Day?

Absolutely! World Read Aloud Day is for everyone. Celebrate with family, friends or co-workers. The only requirement for World Read Aloud Day is in the title itself: Read aloud. Check out LitWorld’s activity kits for the home, workplace or community center and get creative.

This is my first year celebrating World Read Aloud Day, how do I get started?

Welcome to our joyful movement for global literacy, we’re glad you’re with us! Start by deciding where you’ll celebrate and who will join your celebration. Every WRAD celebration is unique but here are some real life examples of past celebrations:

  • Read aloud over video chat with friends or family (or in person of course if they live near by).
  • Start a meeting at work with an inspiring read aloud related to the mission or spirit of your work.
  • Host an event in your home for other families. Have each family bring a favorite story, poem or article that is personally meaningful. Have a round table read aloud.
  • If you are a teacher, have a school wide event, inviting guest readers from the community to read to your students.
  • Contact a local library or community center and ask if they would like you and your co-workers to throw children a reading party. Come prepared with some favorite books and ready to talk about why you like to read and to hear about the children’s favorite stories to read too!

What is a WRADvocate? 

WRADvocate is short for "World Read Aloud Day Advocate." Our WRADvocates are individuals and organizations around the world who commit to both celebrating World Read Aloud Day and making sure as many people as possible in their social network are invited to do the same. WRADvocates spread the word by posting frequently on social media, and talking to their contacts in person to explain the importance of World Read Aloud Day.