Planning for WRAD: Dispatch from the LitWorld Office

Imagine a Kingdom robbed of its stories—a colorless, drab place with no history. How would you retrieve those narratives? How would you replace them with new ones? What would your rejuvenated kingdom look like? If you were king or queen for a day, what would you decree? These are the questions Abby, Natasha, and I (LitWorld’s spring interns) were batting around as prompts for the LitFests taking place on World Read Aloud Day.

At the LitFests, we are in charge of three booths: the book giveaway, the literacy emblem (i.e., crown, badge, or armbands), and the noisemaker stations. Yesterday afternoon, we had our first brainstorming session. Collaborating with these two savvy women proved to be a dynamic and invigorating experience: even though our meeting occurred near the end of the day, by the end, I felt energized and excited.

On World Read Aloud Day, we get to share our stories, read those of others, and make new ones together. As March 6 draws closer, I have realized I am most looking forward to the communal connectivity of the day. Participating in World Read Aloud Day means giving part of yourself to change the story of literacy. Together, each of us will add a little color to the LitWorld Kingdom.

--Written by Susannah Rosenfield, LitWorld Intern