LitClub is a space for joyful learning, creative self-expression, and community building.

LitClub is an in-depth literacy and empowerment program that runs once a week after school in small groups. LitClub members and their mentors come together in each session to share stories, build community, and develop as resilient changemakers and leaders.

LitClub members in Zambia described LitClub as “a place that taught [them] how to read, write, listening attentively,” and “a place where they cultivated happiness, joy, peace, respect, and love for one another.”

LitClub is designed to be implemented by local leaders in any setting, and is flexible and adaptable in order to support the development of all members. Our primary approach for spreading LitClubs around the globe is by partnering closely with community based organizations as the implementing organizations, and we also seek opportunities to scale LitClubs through strategic partnerships.

LitWorld’s core LitClub model targets young people ages 10-14. We collaborate with our community based partners to adapt the program to local needs, including a Moms LitClub program currently running in many of our locations.


LitClubs SEL Report, 2023-2024

We worked with SEED Impact to measure the social-emotional learning (SEL) impact of our LitClubs.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) refers to the intentional development of attitudes, behaviors and skills that are fundamental for academic and life success.

Access the report by clicking the button below.

LitKid Testimonials

"What I like about LitClub is we are taught how to believe in ourselves and be kind to others... I always feel wanted and loved by other members in my LitClub."

- Ruth
Kenya Connect, Kenya

"Joining LitClub has been the best decision I ever made... I did not dare to express my ideas and I felt invisible in the classroom... LitClub has given me the opportunity to make new friends and establish a good relationship with our Mentor."

- Scarleth
Fabretto, Nicaragua

"I'm at my happiest in LitClub because I know that I have a voice. Everyone can hear me and listen to my story."

- Princess
Project PEARLS, Philippines

"In my community, not all girls are studying. That worries me because sometimes when they're not studying, they become young mothers. But today, I'm a part of LitWorld and I'm sure that I can help other girls raise their voices."

- Allison
Un Mundo, Honduras

"LitClubs are the best thing my family and I have ever experienced. LitClub changed a lot of things in our lives, giving us a bright future. It’s the best club ever."

- Desmond
Art of a Child, Uganda

Learn More About LitClubs