Graduations and Goodbyes in Pakistan

Mentor Ms. Anila giving a Certificate of Completion to a proud LitMom

Mentor Ms. Anila giving a Certificate of Completion to a proud LitMom

The Seeds of Hope Foundation LitClubs are already having an amazing 2019! Sixteen LitClubs have been running every week this month and 7 LitClubs celebrated the end of their two years and held graduations with cake, fun and games! Everyone was extremely proud of their accomplishments of finishing their curriculums.

Seeds of Hope runs a robust Mom’s Sewing program, empowering the local women to come together, express themselves and create in these spaces. While this is certainly not “goodbye” for many moms, the celebration was filled with equal amounts of joy and sadness as everyone shared about her learning experiences throughout the class and displayed their beautiful dresses which they had sewn in class. 

LitMoms enjoy their graduation ceremony

LitMoms enjoy their graduation ceremony

Seeds of Hope continues to flourish with their mobile libraries as well! The librarian Mr. Isac Khan reports that while he visited different villages in March, every visit showed many children and community members enjoying the large number of books for reading and borrowing. At the end of the month over 605 books were loaned between the traveling library and the regular Seeds Of Hope libraries! Shooting stars to all the young and old readers out there!

Congratulations to these young readers, we are so proud of you!

Congratulations to these young readers, we are so proud of you!

World Read Aloud Month in Rodanillo, Colombia

Our incredible partners at Museo Rayo in Roldanillo, Colombia turned February into Read Aloud month! The Partnership Coordinator, Jhoanna, shared that experience with LitWorld:


“World Read Aloud Day became the MONTH of Reading Aloud, and tremendous work was done in Roldanillo, Colombia valley. We started the first day with the sound of a siren , signifying that WRAD month has begun. The mentors were brought to places all across Roldanillo: to schools and colleges, to day care centers and foster homes, to jails, churches, elderly homes, and fire stations. Everyone read when hearing the sound of the siren, because it was the signal to start a simultaneous read aloud throughout Roldanillo. Over 6,500 people participated in this wonderful and rewarding celebration.

The mentors chose their favorite books and shared them with all the different groups. The famous poet Agueda Pizarro was a special guest and read her book "The Ray for Children", in homage to the painter and founder of Museo Rayo, Omar Rayo.

Throughout the month, students from across Rodanillo passed through the Rayo Museum’s reading room. In the first week of February 1500 children visited the room from Monday to Friday. The department library supported our LitClubs by dictating a workshop to mentors and teachers in training how to conduct a read aloud, and offered ideas and complementary activities to become literacy advocates and readers. “


About LitClubs in Roldanillo overall, Johanna writes: 

"The positive moments that occur in LitClub revolve around happiness, when the children arrive and embrace each other, and they listen to each other, you see the love for being in LitClub. The members have learned to make new friends that they see every eight days. They have formed emotional bonds, support each other and show one another so much love.

"When the weekly question is asked and the circle of praise begins, the mentors realize that a bond of friendship has been formed that is difficult to break, because they are always ready and willing to listen and to highlight the positive of the other, without any doubt whatsoever."


Fortune's First Read-Aloud

We have the privilege of sharing this beautiful story from our LitClub partner ”Zambia Go Ye Therefore” in Livingstone and Lusaka, Zambia. LitClubs in Zambia are thriving as evidenced from this story shared by our Partnership Coordinator, Sanyambe:

"[LitClub member] Fortune did his first ever "read aloud" with a book he chose "Finding a Home". He never knew how to spell his name before but now he is full of hope and is trying!"

Here’s a lovely picture of Fortune in all his post read aloud glory. Congratulations & shooting stars to Fortune, Sanyambe, Zambia Go Ye Therefore, and all the other young readers taking big strides in their learning lives. Your confidence and hard work inspire us every day!


Food as Culture Project: Food as Story, Food as Legacy


LitWorld is excited to announce a new Food and Culture project we will be working on this spring! Food is such an integral and important part of our stories, and we all have memories, recipes and anecdotes of those favorite (or least favorite!) dishes that we grew up with - in our homes, our celebrations, our daily lives, whether prepared by family members, in local restaurants or passed through generations for you to cook!

The first food we are learning about is simple - EGGS! Do you have traditions surrounding eating and preparing eggs? Do you have a delicious recipe from your life that you would like to share with us? 

We are looking to highlight how this common and nutritious food touches communities all over the world, so please send us your anecdotes, recipes, pictures or even videos of eggs being prepared or served at different times in your community or home.

Share your recipes & culinary stories on social media @litworldsays on Twitter, @litworld on Instagram, and

We look forward to hearing from you!

Library on the Coast: The Explosive Growth of LitClubs in the Philippines

We are constantly in awe of our partner, Project PEARLS, based in Manila, Philippines. Their dedication to literacy for all, and ability to mobilize huge public support for the cause is incredible. Project PEARLS mission is to help the poorest of the poor children in the Philippines have a better life through education, empowerment, nutrition, healthcare service.

Their talk translates to action. This year, they organized a march through Manila in celebration of World Read Aloud Day, where hundreds of folks came together to advocate for literacy and celebrate the boundless power of the read aloud.

Project PEARLS led and organized this march in Manila on World Read Aloud Day 2019.

Project PEARLS led and organized this march in Manila on World Read Aloud Day 2019.

Last week, Project PEARLS travelled 8 hours to the Library on the Coast in Daet, Camarines Norte, Philippines. They trained 5 new LitClub mentors and have 22 students ready to join!

Congratulations to Project PEARLS, and thank you for your unending support for LitWorld, LitClubs, and literacy throughout the world!

New LitClub members in Daet, Camarines Norte, Philippines.

New LitClub members in Daet, Camarines Norte, Philippines.

New LitClub members sharing their heart maps.

New LitClub members sharing their heart maps.

Photo Essay: New LitClubs, New Graduates, & More Smiles

Our partners at Art of a Child in Uganda celebrated the launch of four new LitClubs and a LitClub graduation (complete with cake!) Smiles abound in each and every LitClub around the world.

LitClub graduates are all smiles as they graduate this year.

LitClub graduates are all smiles as they graduate this year.

Kindness, one of LitWorld’s 7 Strengths, is a keystone of all LitClub programming.

Kindness, one of LitWorld’s 7 Strengths, is a keystone of all LitClub programming.

Cake always makes a graduation sweeter.

Cake always makes a graduation sweeter.

Why Diverse Fantasy Fiction Matters

“Speculative fiction is powerful because it provides an unrestricted playground for our imaginations, a test site to explore our impulses and examine the consequences of them.”

Lagoon by Nnedi Okorafor.

Lagoon by Nnedi Okorafor.

Written by Amber Peterson, Director of Programming Innovation at LitWorld

I have been a self-proclaimed nerd all of my life. My childhood was shaped by Lloyd Alexander and Terry Pratchett, and the opening sequence of Star Trek, The Next Generation will always bring with it feelings of security and comfort.

For me, science fiction and fantasy provided much needed portals of solace and escape. As one of a handful of black children bussed to an almost exclusively white suburban school, I spent my formative years feeling very much like an outsider. It was in those stories that I found the celebration of otherness I craved; the person who stood out ended up saving the day and he or she was always ultimately embraced.

Growing up black in America, I understood that the characters in the stories I loved didn’t and wouldn’t look like me. While the heroes were always in some way different from the rest of their community, they were never so different as to be black. The good vs. evil dichotomy generally employed in these narratives was often underscored by an parallel association with light vs. dark, an association that extended to skin color.  As such, I expected that if any characters did have a melanin count similar to mine, they would likely be villains.

The first time I questioned the certainty of this rule was upon reading A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula Le Guin in 5th grade. The red-brown skinned protagonist was a revelation and opened my mind to the extraordinary possibility of seeing myself reflected positively in the stories that defined so much of my identity. My subsequent discovery of authors like Octavia Butler, Walter Mosley, and Nalo Hopkinson shattered the rigid boundaries I perceived and represented my initiation into the burgeoning enclaves of diverse, imaginative fiction.

There has been much recent attention focused on the need for diversity in literature. It is absolutely essential that we see stories that normalize the incredible heterogeneity of the lived experiences of people of color. The recent increase and success of books proudly centering minority characters cleanly shatters the age old axiom that those books do not sell. Especially in the realms of children’s realistic fiction and narrative nonfiction, I believe we’re slowly but surely beginning to see progress.

Despite this, speculative fiction- fiction with supernatural, futuristic, or other imaginative elements-  is being left behind. Even as pop-culture adopts a decidedly speculative slant with the success of superhero franchises, dystopian epics, and legions of supernatural fandoms, people of color remain markedly underrepresented in the genre. Notable exceptions, such as the unprecedented success of Marvel’s Black Panther film, illustrate the hunger for representative speculative stories and the vast audiences eager to consume them.

Speculative fiction is powerful because it provides an unrestricted playground for our imaginations, a test site to explore our impulses and examine the consequences of them. It allows us to paint a picture of the world, not as it is, but as it could be. If these stories take us into our dreams and help us imagine the moral implications and literal possibilities of our future, than what does it say if people of color are not present? What does it mean if people of color are not included as the boundaries of what could be are tested, shifted, and dissolved?

Speculative fiction writers of color and speculative fiction stories featuring characters of color do exist. N.K. Jemisin, Nnedi Okorafor, Tomi Adeyemi, Victor LaValle, Daniel José Older and Priya Sharma are just a few of the writers who are redefining the genre and have been for years. It’s essential that we amplify their voices and provide platforms to celebrate diversity as we explore the unknown and push the boundaries of our imaginations.