Reading Aloud: A New Appreciation

Guest post by Scott Rubin. Scott Rubin’s super nerdy and uplifting baby name book, Naming Your Little Geek, was published by Familius in 2020.

We can all agree that books are the best. I grew up with parents and grandparents instilling in me a deep love and respect for books, and as a geek and author I’ve only grown in that appreciation. My favorite books take me to fantastical worlds and into the depths of space, and to meet ancient evils, secret societies, and superheroes hiding in plain sight. For most of my life, reading was a solitary endeavor, best enjoyed by myself in quiet surroundings. Recently, though, I’ve gained a huge appreciation for reading aloud, and you should too. 


Why read out loud? Let’s start with the obvious; it’s crucial for kids. I have two young sons, 2 and 6 as of this World Read Aloud Day. Before becoming a parent, I expected to read them a lot of silly stuff, marking time until I could start filling their heads with “real” science-fiction, fantasy, and the like. Boy, was I wrong! There is so much incredible kid literature out there, and a lot of it is really fun to read out loud. I’m not just talking about rhymes and goofy sounds, but unique characters, interesting stories, and emotional beats that will stick with you and them.

Best of all, reading to my children has given me a new love and appreciation for reading out loud. It’s a whole new way to enjoy your favorite stories! During the pandemic I started livestreaming, and reading aloud has become a major aspect of what I do. Whether it’s slogging through the complex prose of Frank Herbert’s Dune novels or channeling my inner bard with ancient epic poetry, I’m bringing to life incredible tales.

Heroes and villains speak through me, and I get to enjoy the richness of the author’s words like I never have before. Sounds and onomatopoeia literally become audible, and sometimes unintentionally hilarious. I’ve even discovered some instances when homophones can create alternate (hidden?) meanings in texts that you’ll only experience when reading out loud or listening to the reading!

 No matter what kinds of books you enjoy, I highly recommend doing some out loud reading. Even when doing it by yourself, the experience can be very different and offer you a new way to connect with stories, histories, and more. Even better, find yourself a kid and share the love of reading with a new generation!

Some of my favorite books to read aloud include Frank Herbert’s Dune, epic poetry like the Iliad, Prose Edda, and the Epic of Gilgamesh, and children’s books like Girl and Dragon series by Barbara Joosse and Randy Cecil and My Truck Is Stuck by Kevin Lewis and Daniel Kirk.

The Book of Mistakes and Reading Aloud: Jenn Curtis

Guest post by Jenn Curtis.

My house is littered in white printer paper, and it’s been like that for years. Clear Ziploc baggies made colorful with ragtag hodgepodges of crayons, pens, markers, and colored pencils are tucked away in every single room. Both my girls love the creative process, whether it involves writing stories about The Friendship Club (modeled after the Babysitters Club) or coloring for hours.

Several years ago, when my oldest daughter was 4, I started to notice just how difficult it was for her to make a small mistake, particularly when she was writing or drawing. I feared that, in time, her mistake aversion might inconveniently spill out into the rest of her life. A slight shift of the hand, revealing a misshapen “o” or lopsided eyes, led to a meltdown—or at the least to an insurmountable obstacle that made crumpled up printer paper overtake our trash cans. Frustrated with my own inability to help her see the beauty in her mistakes, I turned to books. I still remember the day The Book of Mistakes by Corinna Luyken arrived on our front doorstep.


The Book of Mistakes is a beautifully illustrated book about an artist who makes a mistake while drawing. That mistake leads to others—splotches, incongruous limbs, an unfortunate “frog-cat-cow thing”—which lead to others, which ultimately reveal a gorgeously unique piece of artwork that never would have existed were it not for the initial mistake. Mistakes are beautiful, it taught. The creative process is exciting and mysterious, it said. The first time I read it to my daughter, she listened intently. She leaned into me. But she didn’t say much. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if she was absorbing the point, but I hoped that she’d grasp the lesson over time.

Every few weeks, for quite some time, she’d go back to that book. She fixated on the art, but she remained quiet even as we discussed what the book taught us. Over time, though, as she became more interested in reading independently, The Book of Mistakes was tucked away on the bookshelf, replaced by chapter books with zany plotlines and curiosity-piquing mysteries.  

Last week, my daughter, now 7, set to work on a picture for her teacher. Armed with a fine black pen (eerily similar to that used in The Book of Mistakes), she started in on creating her piece—a simple depiction of her and her teacher. Within minutes, she realized that her legs in the picture were not nearly long enough to rest on the same plane as the legs she’d drawn for her teacher… but they were supposed to be standing right next to one another.

With a level of calm that I wasn’t expecting, her eyes turned upward. Rather than crumpling the paper with an exasperated snarl, she softly said, “Oops. I guess I’ll have to draw in some floor tiles to fix it.” She incorporated her classroom’s blue and yellow tiles under their feet, an unplanned addition. Several minutes later, her attempt to draw an object (I’m not sure what) went awry. She paused to think, then morphed the object gone wrong into a stack of books, then housed the floating stack of books on a sturdy bookshelf. An error while drawing her fingers led to the pair sharing ice cream cones together. Satisfied, she colored in her creation, and before placing it in an envelope to gift to her teacher the next morning, she took me on a tour through her creative process. When she was done? “It’s just like The Book of Mistakes, mom.”

Jenn Curtis, MSW, is an educational consultant, author, and speaker. She is the co-author of The Parent Compass: Navigating Your Teen’s Wellness and Academic Journey in Today’s Competitive World. As owner of FutureWise Consulting, a college counseling company in Orange County, California, she is most passionate about empowering students to find their voice and their purpose. Jenn also co-hosts The Parent Compass x Smart Social Podcast, where she explores parenting amidst a competitive academic environment. On it, she chats with bestselling authors, parenting experts, and education thought leaders. Jenn lives in San Clemente, California with her husband and two daughters.

Reading Aloud Creates Lasting Memories

Guest post by Pam Lobley, author of ‘Why Can’t We Just Play?’

On the surface, I might seem like the worst person to talk about reading to children. My sons, who are now ages 23 and 20, don’t read at all unless they have to: if it is required for a college course or a job. They are able to read; they are intelligent, successful people. They just don’t find reading fun.

This is so hard for me, because reading is one of my greatest pleasures. Sometimes the apple does fall far from the tree. In this case, it fell in another country.

When they were little boys, I read to them avidly on a daily basis. I spent hours at the library combing through books to find stories they would relate to, topics that aligned with their interests, and authors they would relish. My husband, an actor, would put on elaborate voices for the characters. The kids loved our read alouds.

When it came time for them to read their own books, however, they stalled. They read the exact minimum they needed to for school and not one sentence more. They were not allowed to watch TV or play video games after dinner most school nights, so it was not that books were competing with screens. It was simply that they did not enjoy reading. They played with Legos or made up games with their stuffed animals instead.


Undeterred, I started to read aloud longer books. Once they got a taste of deep, wonderful storytelling, I figured, they would be hooked. We read Harry Potter, Peter and the Starcatcher, and old favorites like My Side of the Mountain. At the urging of his sixth grade teacher, Jack and I tried Little House in the Big Woods (the first in the Little House on the Prairie series). I wasn’t sure an 11-year old boy would like it, but he did, and we went on to read every single one in the series. I had never read them as a child, so the stories were as new and delightful to me as they were to him.

Alas, my read aloud theory didn’t work. The boys grew into men who don’t enjoy books.

Isn’t that just like parenthood? We work so hard to give our kids all the advantages and to share our joys and interests with them, but we never know what is really going to “take.” They are free to choose their own joys and interests and will not fail to do so.

However, reading is not just a means to an end; I was not only reading so that they would read in the future. I was reading because I wanted to share books in that moment. And boy, did we! During their middle school years we read tons of books including classics like Black Beauty (try it!) and little-known gems like Nothing to Fear (stirring portrait of growing up in the Depression in New York City). The last book I read aloud to my son, just before he started ninth grade, was Gentle Ben. It was a revelation for both of us. A classic that almost no one reads anymore, it has violence, sadness, longing and beautiful descriptions of the pristine Alaskan wilderness. And of course, it has a truly wondrous animal adventure at the center of it.


I consider our read alouds one of my most cherished parental accomplishments. Once upon a time we were swept away during nights of laughter and adventure and wonder; we listened to tales we would never have otherwise heard. We lingered in quiet, one-on-one time while the rest of the world was kept at bay. We held our breath, wondering what would happen on the next page. Reading is magic, and we happily surrendered to its spell.

During those years I filled my children’s heads with stories and their hearts with memories. And we have lived happily ever after.

Podcasts for World Read Aloud Day

Imagination is kids’ superpower, and what better time to celebrate it than during the annual World Read Aloud Day celebration, when their minds are filled with the wonder of stories? 


This World Read Aloud Day, discover the magic of imagination and storytelling in all forms with The Story Seeds Podcast! Story Seeds brings kids from ages 6-13 together with their favorite authors, who help them grow their ideas into a story. In each episode, authors and kids collaborate to show the magic that happens when adults make time to deeply listen to young people.

There’s a whole season of Story Seeds for you to enjoy, featuring 10 well-known and diverse American children’s book authors such as Dan Gutman, Veera Hiranandani, Aram Kim, and Rajani LaRocca, along with 10 super creative and smart kids. There’s even an episode with Jason Reynolds, the National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature!

A fun starter episode for WRAD is Episode 9: Look Before You Eat, which features storytelling champion Bil Lepp and 12 year old Keshav from New York City collaborating to create a fun story that puts a delicious, chocolate-y spin on the classic Three Little Pigs folktale. Listen here at, and find bonus photos and fun facts about Bil and Keshav to share!

If that’s not enough to get you hooked, here are a few more reasons to listen to Story Seeds this World Read Aloud Day:

  • A catchy theme song that will get kids singing “I’m in control of my destiny.” Who doesn’t need an affirmation like that in 2021? 

  • An immersive storytime segment that you can play in your classroom or home to inspire kids to start imagining and writing their own stories.

  • Host Betsy Bird weaves all sorts of fun facts and writing tips into each episode

  • The podcast comes with an activity book, Imagination Lab: Experiments in Creativity, which is available worldwide and includes writing, reading, and STEAM activities for each episode. 

  • It provides an aural experience for young people’s ears that helps them spend time off screens while introducing them to new authors and the writing process. 

  • It can inspire kids to dream up their own stories. A recent Kids Listen survey reported that 74% of young podcast listeners remain highly engaged with the material they listen to, either by telling others what they’ve learned, seeking out more information after listening, or requesting to do an activity inspired by the podcast.

  • You can listen wherever you are. In fact, podcasts require very little streaming bandwidth which allows for greater accessibility and easy listening on your mobile devices.

But what other fun storytime podcasts are there? We asked the producers of Story Seeds—Sandhya Nankani and Anjali Sakhrani—to put together a playlist to help you and your family get into the storytelling mood! They are big fans of popular podcasts like Julie’s Library, Circle Round, Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, and Story Pirates that you may have already heard of. Here are some of their top picks of some other shows for you to discover! 

For Little Ears, check out …

1. 500 Words.jpeg

Based on the famed 500 Words BBC Radio 2 short story writing competition for kids, this podcast is made up of funny and heartwarming bedtime stories written by kids ages 6-13.

Recommended Episode: It’s Up To You How Far You’ll Go. If You Don’t Try, You’ll Never Know!

2. African Folktales.png

Narrated by the lyrical voice of storytellers Miss JoJo and Auntie Oni who take listeners on a magic jeep excursion to discover lands where animals talk and people lie. Each episode is under 10 minutes, features a folktale of the African and African American tradition, and comes with an activity guide.

Recommended Episode: The Rabbit and the Turtle

3. Storied for Wonderful Children.jpg

Host Dan Wendelin is a dad who used to imagine a new bedtime story for his children each night. Now, he shares the best of those stories with you and your family. These 10-15 minute tales for children 4-10, with a narrator whose voice is engaging and soothing with a once-upon-a-time charm.

Recommended Episode: Peggy the Ant

For Tween and Teen Listeners, Try…

4. What Will She Do Next.jpg

Women’s history set to music and performed by musical theater performers. If you already know and love Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, you’ll love this one

. Recommended Episode: Episode 1, Dr. Mae Jamison

5. Unspookable.jpg

Unspookable is a family friendly look at the histories and mysteries behind your favorite scary stories, myths and urban legends.

Recommended Episode: Episode #19, Dragons

6. TAL.png

This American Life is a hallmark in public radio. Each episode is centered around a theme told in three stories, celebrating both the ordinary and extraordinary.

Recommended Episode: Act Two of The Magic Show

And, if you can’t get enough … 

The Kids Listen Activity Podcast is THE tasting menu of kids podcasts. It was created by Kids Listen (an organization that advocates for high-quality audio content for kids) in response to lockdown and the millions of kids being homeschooled around the world. Each week you’ll discover a new show and get access to a paired activity which helps kids dive deeper into the featured episode.

The Magic and Mystery of Reading: A Letter from Author Nancy Dearborn

Guest post by author and WRADvocate Nancy Dearborn. Nancy Dearborn’s picture book, Hugga Loula, will be published March 2, 2021 with Familius.

Power of the Written Word 

I have a voice.

I want to be heard.

Each and every word.

Every human being longs to tell and share their stories because our stories are the very essence of who we are. Our lives and experiences are all stories waiting to be told. All of us have something to share, so each of us has a unique voice. Our voices may be bright and brilliant like a star or warm and wispy like clouds or they may be soft and smooth like freshly fallen snow.

And every one of us has a right to be heard regardless of our race, sex, age, etc. Through our words we can offer care, comfort, and hope to others and ultimately change the world for the better.


Our words can give others courage, strength, a spring in their step, and make them feel absolutely amazing. They can uplift and encourage others to keep going, to never give up, and to be the best person they can be.

Our words have hands that reach out and touch people deeply. And our words have breath, for they help people breathe and live. And ultimately, that is why most writers write – to share knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.

Life is a paradox – the more we give our words and ourselves to others, the more our own lives are enriched.

Why Read Aloud?

I look forward to reading every day because books bring me great joy.


Books are filled with magical, mystical pages that carry us to distant lands and faraway places. We can travel on an African safari, experience the rainforest in the Yucatan, and visit the great pyramids in Egypt – all within the comfort and safety of our home, school, or library. It is through books that we learn and come to understand more about others and ourselves as well. Books offer care, comfort, and hope. They help us realize that sometimes what seems impossible, is in fact, possible.

Books help us connect to those around us as well as those faraway. They help us realize that our lives are not so different from others after all. We are not alone in what we experience and in what we feel. Books help us to know and understand that we are not alone in this journey we call life.

Reading opens our hearts and our lives to imagination. Books make us more than what we were before we read them.

Reading aloud is music to our ears. It’s also a dance we listen to filled with rhythm, rhyme, and voice. Reading aloud helps stories come alive for others through facial expression, tone, voice, etc. Sharing and giving to others is the secret of life – that a person builds a life by what they give others.

So, grab one of your favorite books, your favorite reading buddy, and join us for World Read Aloud Day

Note: Three of my favorite picture books to read aloud are The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and THE BIG HUNGRY BEAR by Audrey & Don Wood, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen, and Pete the Cat: I Love my White Shoes by Eric Litwin.

After Devastating Natural Disasters, Our Partners Need Our Support

It is no surprise that this year has been beyond challenging for everyone - especially the communities that LitWorld works with from around the world.

In these last few weeks, a series of natural disasters have devastated many families in Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Philippines who were already facing losses in food, resources, employment, and school-time due to COVID-19. LitWorld’s partner organizations working in these communities have shown again and again to be incredibly innovative, responsive, and quick to act to support these families and kids to the best of their abilities - and you can help.

Here are 3 LitWorld partner organizations working in emergency relief situations that you can support:


Un Mundo, Honduras

Rescue teams at Un Mundo

Over the course of just a few weeks, Honduras was hit by two hurricanes, causing severe damage across the country.

In the mountainous region where Un Mundo and LitWorld work, the rains have washed away roads and bridges, leaving communities inaccessible by transport and often isolated from relief efforts.

Un Mundo is working hard to access these communities and provide the affected families with food, clean water and necessities, including educational materials for children unable to attend school at this time. You can support their relief efforts here.

Fabretto, Nicaragua

Buildings destroyed by Hurricanes Eta and Iota

Buildings destroyed by Hurricanes Eta and Iota

Similar to its neighboring Honduras, Nicaragua has been battered by Huricanes Eta and Iota in the matter of two weeks.

Our partner organization Fabretto has been supporting communities on the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua and working hard to provide basic needs and supplies to those dealing with the aftermath of the disasters.

Many families have been displaced from their homes, without access to clean drinking water, food, or shelter at this time - and the kids and families that LitWorld works with are no exception. To support the urgent work our partners at Fabretto are doing and provide families with life-saving supplies, you can donate here.


Project PEARLS, Philippines


Project PEARLS in the Philippines has been working to support the communities hit hard by two powerful cyclones in just four weeks, Vamco and Goni. which have left many communities without power, water, or homes.

Project PEARLS has been on the frontlines of urgent response teams, working hard to provide families with hot meals and other resources.

As PEARLS have always incorporated LitWorld programs into their emergency response, the children displaced from their homes and out of school are also receiving emotional support through books, reading corners and access to caring adults and safe spaces to share. To support communities affected by the typhoons in the Philippines, click here.

Partner Spotlight: Meera Malek at Centre for Development, India!

For our final Partner Spotlight of the season, please welcome Meera Malek from Centre for Development in India as she shares her community's story of 2020!

Our deepest thanks to our partners around the world who have continued their life-changing work throughout this pandemic, and to supporters like you who help make it all possible.


Note: KEI is the Educational Program of CFD, and LitClubs are a part of KEI.

Q: Can you tell us about this year and how the pandemic has affected your community?

Meera (center) with her LitKids

Meera (center) with her LitKids

Meera: The negative socio-economic impact of the pandemic on those who depend on daily wages and the multitude of service providing occupations in the unorganized sector is beyond our imagination; and is unfolding in front of our eyes as the days go by.

Since CfD works with the most marginalized and vulnerable families across the city, we could see the catastrophe coming. CfD immediately sent out an appeal to civil society to support an initiative to provide food stocks to the most vulnerable families.

During April and May, CfD reached out to about 2,000 families in distress (which includes the families of all the girls who are part of the Kadam Education Initiative and the families of the children that are part of LitClubs) and provided food stocks. Food kits consisting of cereals, salt, sugar, tea, condiments, and more were packed and distributed amongst the selected families by a team of dedicated Muslim and Dalit youth volunteers supported by CfD. CfD staff and volunteers – including senior Kadam girls – were all continuously engaged in procuring, packing, and distributing food kits, with full safety precautions being taken (maintaining distance, hand hygiene, and wearing masks/cloth to cover the nose and mouth.)

Now, it is not just a question of survival in an economic crisis that is going to be worsening over the coming year; but also about how the children are going to continue their education, and retaining the girls in a situation where families are losing hope. 

CfD LitKids continuing their education from home

CfD LitKids continuing their education from home

By June 2020, the girls in KEI and LitClubs – who were enabled through considerable efforts to postpone their marriage – were already being pressured into marriage. The crisis is spurred by their mothers and relatives to get them married as soon as possible. The situation where the girls were enabled to join KEI and continue their education either in school or through National Institute of Open Schools and also gain life/employable skills is back in a different context. There are different reasons relatives use to justify their insistence on stopping the girls’ education and readying them for marriage. 

But KEI-CfD has resolved to reach out to the girls and their mothers once again to appeal to them to conserve the gains that their girls have made over the past 2-3 years and not put an abrupt end to the same by succumbing to familial and social pressures to get them married. Counseling has been going on, and assurances given that any expense on account of online education (such as devices and connectivity required) would be taken care of by KEI. This enables our girls to access online education in their own schools and colleges, and also their education through NIOS with the help of NIOS tutors.

The 30 tablets purchased for the girls of Kadam Education Initiative and 11 tablets for the LitClub children were distributed to all of them before the 10th of July, 2020. Our volunteers called girls in groups of 2-3 at the CfD office so that there was no crowding and distance could be maintained. They were given a hands-on orientation about the tablet and how to use it for online sessions and learning

Q: Is there anything that was surprising or worked well this year?

LitKids reading together

LitKids reading together

Meera: I have worked with the communities for 10 years and they never communicate, but this year the communities came together and started having meetings and talking about problems and how to solve them. They slowly started enjoying each other’s company and having a relationship with each other. The girls had exams that they struggled to pass for the last 3-4 year and passed because they had so much time to study. Grandparents and elder family members got to spend time together. 

I went to the families to distribute food kits; the girls were very happy to see me and we got to see the families each at a time. I personally feel that personal connection is so important to see each other’s faces.

Q: How have you been running or incorporating our work together/ LitWorld's programs this year?

Meera: During April, May, and June, the mentors and the partnership coordinator were constantly in touch with all the LitClub members and their parents over the phone. The children were very unhappy that during the lockdown they had to remain confined to their home, but the mentors and the partnership coordinators talked to them and helped them deal with the situation. The parents also needed emotional support to tide over the difficult situation in which they had to worry where the next meal would come from.

The mentors and the partnership coordinator were continuously engaged in helping the children understand what Covid-19 is, and what precautions (wearing masks and maintaining physical distance) to take to prevent infection and spread of the virus. The mentors would talk to small groups of children over WhatsApp video almost every day. The mentors also would engage them with simple LitWorld activities - reading, singing and art work.

During the first two months (April and May), the priority was to keep monitoring the food stocks of all the families given the fact that their parents had no means of livelihood due to the complete lockdown; and as soon as the mentors came to know that any family was short of food, they would be included in the Covid-19 lockdown relief project of CfD. The budgetary allocation for food and snacks in the LitWorld 2020 budget was added in along with other funds to ensure adequate food stocks for all families.

LitKids using their tablets

LitKids using their tablets

By early July we had started planning for a revival of the LitClubs. The decision to buy 11 tablets was also made to assist the process of revival, which was made possible through re-allocation of funds from the LitWorld – CfD budget. In July the mentors started the LitClubs each session engaging half the number of children to ensure physical distance.

The impact of the 7 strengths was visible during the lockdown. The way the children were curious to understand everything about Covid-19, and the lockdown, the way in which they cherished their friends and missed them, and tried to keep in touch with them through the mentors, and the occasional WhatsApp video calls, how a number of them responded to a call from another agency for drawings and paintings from children – all were indicative of the strengths they had gained and the way they could move ahead with Hope.

Q: What are the strengths of your community? If you had to assign one of the 7 Strengths to your community, which one feels the closest?

Meera: The 7 Strengths are very important to the community, and they are why I started LitClubs as well. The children of our LitClubs displayed strength and resilience in the face of a dangerous pandemic. It was far more difficult for this poor and lower middle class community to survive during the pandemic, as they were totally unemployed with no means of survival. But they joined hands to run community kitchens in their residential area, pooling together the food stocks they had received from the philanthropists and the government. This helped the community to strengthen their social bonding and survive collectively. 

The women of the community played a significant role in this process of collective survival. When there were cases of domestic violence, the women decisively intervened to stop the brutality and give solid emotional support to the battered woman. Women’s interventions in violence in a couple of cases more or less put an end to such violence for the remaining period of the lockdown in those areas.

So we would attribute ‘courage’, ‘kindness’, and ‘hope’ as the three strengths that could be attributed to the community.

Q: If you had just one thing to share about our work together, what would it be?

Meera: The main focus for CfD has always been one child and the other activities are like pillars. To make a child complete and happy, we have to work with other stakeholders, etc. At CfD, we believe in no physical punishment, no judgement, and in providing a safe space for children, which goes well with the LitWorld vision. 

Our kids are faced with various challenges and disasters ( man-made and natural), which makes them very serious. However, LitWorld programming provides them with places to be happy. One time I called some kids on the video call and they started singing the Hello Song, although they were not in LitClubs, showing joy and resilience.