Introducing LitChats!

Today, we are thrilled to share our first edition of LitChats, a special conversation with LitWorld’s Programs Team about how to create brave spaces for children.

In this conversation, we are discussing all of the lessons we’ve learned as purveyors of LitWorld’s work about how to create safe and brave learning environments that promote social and emotional learning.

Whether at home, school, or in the community, brave spaces are needed everywhere.

Tune in today!

With appreciation,

The LitWorld team

At LitWorld, We Believe:

Dear LitWorld Friend,

As we adjust our sails amidst the waves of change happening across the United States and throughout the world, one thing is for certain: we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing brave spaces for our global community of children and families through the safe refuge of storytelling.

During this moment of inflection, we reaffirm our values and re-commit to our mission of spreading the transformative power of story.

At LitWorld, we believe:

  • Stories are the heartbeat of our humanity. By telling our stories, we color the world with the diversity of our thoughts, experiences, and visions. We believe stories are our most powerful assets, allowing us to declare that each of us are here, and we belong.

  • Children are the center of our work. Our work is anchored in our steadfast commitment to provide safe and brave spaces for children through the love of storytelling. By doing so, we nurture their ability to find and own their voice, so that they can discover their inner power, and grow as leaders and changemakers.

  • Literacy is a tool for social and emotional learning. By nurturing a love of reading, writing, speaking, listening & creating, we are dedicated to spreading the transformative power of storytelling. Through stories, we encourage our community to heal, grow, and reflect, nourishing both their hearts and minds.

  • We lead with joy. We meet challenges with optimism, dedicated to spreading happiness to others as we serve our global community.

  • Our work is Universal. Everyone deserves the space and place to share their stories, to discover who they are, and to explore their inner and outer worlds.

11/19: Introducing LitChats

On November 19th, we will sharing our first edition of LitChats, a special conversation with LitWorld’s Program Team about how to create brave spaces for children so they can have empowering learning experiences that not only strengthens literacy skills, but promotes a sense of belonging & safety. We look forward to sharing this with you on our next newsletter!

To Brave Spaces,

The LitWorld team

Celebrating International Day of the Girl

Celebrating International Day of the Girl

Dear LitWorld Friend,

In 2011, the United Nations declared October 11th as the International Day of the Girl, a day dedicated to recognizing the rights of girls. Since then, LitWorld has celebrated this day, rallying our global community to join our "Stand Up for Girls" campaign, where we advocate for every girl's right to share her story and transform the world.

The LitWorld community has proudly celebrated the International Day of the Girl for the past 13 years, and this year was no different.

Our global partners commemorated this day by putting together special activities to empower girls in their local communities, and we couldn’t be prouder to stand united in this mission alongside them.

Thanks to your support, we can continue to Stand Up for Girls not just on October 11th, but every single day.

Scroll down to see a recap of how our partners celebrated!

Our LitWorld Team is Evolving

Our LitWorld Team is Evolving

Dear LitWorld Friend,

Greetings from our headquarters in New York City! From where we are, the leaves are beginning to take on the warm hues of autumn, ushering in the new season. It's a wonderful time to renew our energy as we prepare for the last quarter of the year.  

As the season turns, we find it fitting to welcome new changes to our team. We’re grateful to every community member who has contributed to the past, present and future of LitWorld, and we look forward to this next stage of growth.

Read on to learn how our LitWorld team is evolving.


Dear Friend,

This year we've been celebrating the value and the joy of embracing every voice with our #TellEveryStory campaign.  

We know how important each and every one of our perspectives is as we work toward a world of true equity and inclusion.

As a community-centered organization, we value the opportunity to collaborate with brilliant minds and big hearts who believe in our mission to uplift children through the power of stories.  And that includes you!

This is why we’d like to invite you to be a part of LitWorld’s narrative. As part of our mission to #TellEveryStory, we’d like to tell yours!

Please take a moment to share about yourself via this Google Form.

We’ll be sharing all of the stories we collect as we celebrate LitWorld's work this year over the next several months, and we hope we can include yours!

The Origins of PRIDE

The Origins of PRIDE

As we approach the end of the vibrant and spirited celebrations of PRIDE month, LitWorld wanted to take a moment to reflect on the origins and profound significance of this event. PRIDE is not just a parade; it is a powerful movement that symbolizes the resilience, courage, and unity of the LGBTQ+ community and celebrates the right to #TellEveryStory.