Experts estimate the number of orphaned children in Iraq at 1-5 million. The plight of this large number of orphans poses a serious humanitarian crisis. Unless effective interventions are made in the next 10-15 years, many of these orphans will reach adulthood without receiving care for the trauma and suffering they have endured. The United States has a special responsibility to honor the ultimate sacrifice of thousands of America's finest young men and women by working together with Iraq's nascent democracy to nurture and protect Iraq's next generation.
LitWorld has partnered with the Sponsor Iraqi Children Foundation to effectively help address this situation, and we are in the midst of an incredible campaign to fill a plane with school supplies that will be going to orphaned children in Iraq at the end of October. LitWorld is working closely with the Sponsor Iraqi Children Foundation to promote ongoing learning for the children who will receive these supplies.
Will you support this important cause? Here are some easy ways to participate in our campaign over the next few weeks!
· Use the Change is in the Air Flyer as your Facebook, Twitter or Blogger "Avatar" image until Oct 25

· Make sure you "Like" LitWorld on Facebook, and invite all of your friends to "Like" us as well
· Find our New Twitter Account @litworldsays, follow us and retweet our messages about the campaign; start with this tweet: Help @litworldsays send a plane full of much-needed school supplies to students in Iraq: http://ow.ly/2QOyv #changeisintheair
· If you are in the New York City area, celebrate for LitWorld on Saturday, Oct 16 at a Benefit Concert in Williamsburg, Brooklyn
With your help, we can truly create positive change and take steps towards global literacy.
- Pam Allyn & the LitWorld Team