
It was evident that when the topic of sisterhood was unveiled to the girls they were more excited than they've ever been. The girls discussed what being a sister meant to them and how they perceived their role in relationships with their siblings. I remember being 8 years old and the relationship I had with my siblings; it was terrible. Much like these young ladies, I didn't have many kind words to share about my younger brother. Kristyn and I tried to keep them focused on the positive attributes of sisterhood, not just in their role as a sibling, but as a friend and a young lady. They were able to make the connection after reading "Amelia and Eleanor Go for A Ride".

The book touched on the close relationship of two friends and their quest to fly a plane as women. The girls were able to articulate what the book was about and relate it to historical events. They were asked to write a story about someone who possessed characteristics of a good friend.

Sunshine G. wrote,

Today we talked about sisterhood. I would want a sister like Christena. She is funny, playful, and she is also helpful. She's even nice and never mean. She's not even a follower, she's a leader. Sometimes when I play in the park and there's a fight she'll just walk away and play with someone else. She's a person that respects everyone. I wish I had a sister just like that.