The girls connect "Belonging" to Langston Hughes "My People"

It's amazing how a poem brought a room full of girls together on some many different levels. Focusing on belonging, Kristen and I read the poem entitled "My People' by Langston Hughes to the girls. They seemed to be intrigued at the idea of what "my people" meant. Some thought the poem referenced African American people, others thought it referenced a family. We touched on the idea that "my people" could be your family, friends, people from your country or someone who lives next door to you. The point was to allow the girls to resonate that "their people" could be anyone they felt they belonged to and connected with. It was interesting to hear Ayana say "my family is from Trinidad" and Sunshine reply "my family is from Trinidad too"

All of the girls are definitely inquisitive and always take each session beyond where the curriculum has intended to go. The spontaneity of their questions and responses, always makes for an interesting session. That is the beauty of girls I guess, we always push the limit.