Congo's First Lady, Mrs. Lembe Kabila, led thousands of women in a march against sexual violence.
Although we regret that we missed Congo Week (October 17-23) here on our blog, it is never too late to spread awareness about the tragic events surrounding the sexual violence against Congolese women. Please take a moment to read about the issues facing the people of Congo, and find a way to get involved through this website here. For over ten years, 1,500 people die each day. This is an urgent crisis that needs our attention. We hope you will help us in spreading the word.
Watch the video about Congo Week:
Taken from the Congo Week Website:
The Congo is the greatest humanitarian crisis in the world today where nearly 6 million people have died since 1996, half of them children under 5 yrs old and hundreds of thousands of women have been raped all as a result of the scramble for Congo's wealth. The United Nations said it is the deadliest conflict in the world since World War Two. However, hardly anything is said about it in the media. Can you imagine 45,000 people dying each month and hardly a peep from anyone in the age of the Internet? This is literally what has happened and continue to happen in the Congo. There is a media blackout about Congo and no worldwide resolution to end the conflict and carnage there.
Related Articles:
Congolese Women March Against Rape and Sexual Terrorism via Change.Org
Democratic Republic of Congo's First Lady Lead Women On March Against Sexual Violence via BBC