Harlem LitWorld Girls Club Meet Arianna Huffington Tonight!

We are very excited! Thanks to all your votes, the Harlem LitWorld Girls Club won a spot on Arianna Huffington's book tour, and she will be arriving tonight at the Polo Grounds site for a personal appearance.

LitWorld Girls Clubs Harlem Preparing for Arianna's visit!

This Fall session has been filled with a lot of amazing discussions, new perspectives, and of course, exposure to new literature. The girls have grown so much, and their thirst for reading has only gotten more potent. They are filled with new visions and new personal missions of how they can affect the world around them. It arrives at such perfect timing then, that our closing ceremony for this Fall session will include a visit from a powerful female role model, Arianna Huffington.

We've spent the past few sessions preparing for her visit, rehearsing their written pieces to read aloud to Ms. Huffington, and practicing their introductions. I am very proud to introduce these remarkable young women to a woman who has achieved many things with confidence and courage.

Stay tuned for more photos after tonight's event. We will be uploading them shortly!
