Girls LitClubs in Accra, Ghana Learn Business and Trade Through Women in the Market

For our special activity, we decided to connect with the community market women. The girls’ decision to visit market women in our local community stems from the fact that the Ghanaian indigenous culture reserves the market place for women to engage in business or trade. The market is basically characterized with buying and selling.

On the other hand, modernity, girl child empowerment, and the fight against child labor, are gradually widening the gap between girls and the market setting. The girls club in Madina, however, believe there is still something to be learned and explored in the market.

The visit was therefore to:
*Connect with the women who are also their mothers and sisters
*To gain firsthand experience of the activities that exist in the market
*To talk to the women and to understand their operations
*To find out what challenges they face as women
*To find out what challenges individual women in the market face in trading their specific foodstuff or products.

The two hour visit was an interactive one. The women, who were so pleased to have the girls connect with them this way, willingly shared their experiences at the market with the girls. The women took time to explain how they go about their specific trade in the market.  Litworld girls positively and inquisitively asked the women very interesting questions that got the women explaining issues such as:

*Source of one’s foodstuff of product
*The types of breed of a particular foodstuff
*Gestation periods
*Transportation costs
*Preservative measures
*Profit margins
*Security for goods

The girls were very happy to for such an opportunity to learn about the operations of the community market from the women. They promised to visit the market again!

Submitted by Emefa, Girls LitClub Facilitator in Madina-Accra, Ghana