Knights Kenya Girls LitClub Celebrate Womanhood!

On 2nd December 2011, The KNIGHTS Kenya organized an end year conference for the Girls Club with the theme “Enhancing Self Esteem through Self Identity”. Self Esteem is one of the Seven Strengths learned in the Litworld Curriculum. As a Facilitator, we realized that many girls have low self-esteem, and we thought that it would be wise to organize an activity that would help them work on enhancing their self esteem.

We invited amazing women of the community as our special guests. For a special activity, the girls modeled both their Casual and Traditional Costumes.  This session was in line with the theme of the conference “Enhancing Self Esteem through Self Identity.” The girls encouraged the others by show-casing their self confidence during their modeling.

Then, the Girls Club presented a poem entitled “Mon Ma Kawuono” , translated as “Women of Today”. This poem encourages oung girls to get their priorities right as they grow up and perform their daily chores. It advises the girls not to fall prey to the needs of the worldly items, but instead, concentrate on being productive and successful in all that they do.

We also had some amazing motivational speakers to inspire the girls. It is our wish to organize this activity yearly, which would help the girls realize and develop their talents. We also wish to thank everybody who attended and contributed towards the success of this event, which made the girls very happy and positive as they went on break for the December Christmas holidays.

This entry was submitted by our partner organization, Knights Kenya.