Girls LitClub in Baltimore Enjoy an Author Visit!


This week we were lucky enough to have Monalisa DeGross visit our club! She has published three books and is writing her fourth. She also works in a library, so she knows quite a lot about reading and writing. The girls were very excited to ask her about her books as many had already read at least one of them. Monalisa! 

Ms. DeGross described each of her books and gave some excellent advice for anyone who might want to write books: Read! Observe! and Write! She pointed out that we all "tell stories" even if we're just describing the trip to or from school and that each of our voices is valuable.

 She even brought us gifts! Each girl received a copy of The Three Questions (adapted from Leo Tolstoy), Donavan's Word Jar by Monalisa herself, and a note pad and pencil all tied together with bright shoe laces. It was a lively and delightful afternoon! Thank you, Monalisa!

Submitted by Girls Club Facilitator Virginia