New Girls Clubs Launch in Kisumu, Kenya!


Above: Kisumu Teachers on their Skype Training with LitWorld Staff

In partnership with the Millennium Cities Initiative, LitWorld has trained a group of educators to launch several Girls Clubs in the city of Kisumu, Kenya. Millennium Cities Initiative (MCI) is a project of the Earth Institute, Columbia University, that assists sub-Saharan cities in their efforts to make severe poverty a thing of the past. MCI also works to empower women of the community, and has linked us here at LitWorld with a wonderful group of educators who have dedicated their time to working with the young women in their local town. We are excited to launch these girls clubs in Kisumu!


The new Kisumu Girls Clubs have also received a mini-grant through LitWorld, which greatly helped in securing the supplies the Girls Clubs would need (pens, notebooks, art supplies, etc.).


Our Girls Clubs need support to get materials to the places they are needed most. To help sponsor a Girls Club, send an inquiry to or make a donation on our Global Giving page.

*Special thanks to LitWorld Programming Director, Jen Estrada, for leading the trainings, with help from Alyssa Dudzik and Ruby Veridiano.