Dear LitWorld,
It is with such humility that l say ASANTE SANA. You came. You saw. You conquered our hearts with your love, sincere care, and affection for the work that you do- to spread the gospel of LITWORLD family. The energy and time- you gave it your all, and to your team- EROKAMANO (thank you-luo).
During the first day, I came down with some terrible allergy, but you made me feel great despite my pain and how uncomfortable l felt, and all went well.
During the second day, I was touched by the response from the mothers. And remember the one father who came? They listened and you felt the change that is coming. All we need to do is follow-up sessions. Wow! There was so much learning going on.

Bless you all who made this training a success, to the facilitators, our friends from Bugoma and Amilo, teachers at Migosi, and the dear children, who left the session feeling greatly loved. Let's move forward and impact the lives of these little children, they have HOPE that we will make that happen.
To the entire team that came, words cannot describe how we feel here in Kisumu, l pray that we put all that we discussed into practice and by the end of this year we should celebrate our achievements. Yes, we can do this.
Travel safely and hope to see you again!
-Written by Lois Owiti