Things We Love.

This post was submitted by our Girls Club Facilitator in Ghana, Emefa.

Today’s meeting was centered on the strength courage.

The check-in question got girls to share some fun moments of the previous day. Girls talked about exciting play moments, chats, and moments with friends.

Courage was introduced to the girls as the strength of the day, and the big idea to do something that you know is right, though it may be difficult.

Our read aloud poem, “Honey, I Love” by Eloise Greenfield, was an interesting one for girls. They enjoyed the fun way that the poet writes this poem.

The class then went on to discuss some of the things the poet loves. Many of the girls indicted they love some of the things as the poet loves too.

Our writing activity for the day got girls to write a description of something that makes them really happy, something they truly love. Girls gave various descriptions of the things they love with illustrations to show in detail the things they love. Together the class wrote down each girl’s loved thing on a chart sheet titled “The Things We Love”.

Girls agreed that there are things they love that other people don’t love.

Girls said it is annoying to them when they love something and someone else doesn’t seem to care about it. (For this response girls were led to consider the essence of tolerating other people’s views and preferences.)

Girls also said when they love something and others also care about it, they feel like being copied and competed with. (Here girls were helped to consider the importance of sharing, co-existence and the reality of commonality.)

Girls also believe we can show our care for one another by supporting and encouraging them. Similarly, in showing we care for the things other people love, girls believe support and encouragement is key.