The Perfect Hosts

The Girls LitClub had the pleasure of hosting some really special guests this past Sunday. First, there were Grace and Millicent, high school students under the Children of Kibera Foundation sponsorship program. They met and talked briefly to the girls about high school, which the girls were keen to hear. The Girls LitClub also got to share a little of what they learn in their sessions on Sundays.

Then, there were the Nortons and the Barkers. During both visits, the girls displayed to our guests what confident girls they were, great team work and showed tremendous love for what they enjoy doing. This was reflected on how they prepared and presented their poems and songs, keeping their guests entertained. Both the Nortons and the Barkers also got to visit some of the girls as they used the computer facilities at
school, where they were working on their online journals. Everyone that gets to meet the girls can always tell how special they all are.

Submitted by Prisca, Girls LitClub Facilitator in Kibera