The Global Poem for Change at Girls LitClub in Kibera, Kenya

GLOBAL POEM FOR CHANGE (Submitted by Girls LitClub Facilitator, Prisca)

It is always wonderful to see the girls sharing all their wonderful and different passions. This Sunday, they contributed to the Global Poem for Change. It was amazing having the girls open up and share their dreams, thoughts, and wishes that they hold very close to their hearts.

All the girls in the different clubs here in Kibera had such wonderful ideas on what they consider to be global issues and all had eye opening ideas on solutions towards solving these issues. The girls had a session where they brainstormed on how everybody can make a difference. It was very empowering just listening to all their suggestions on ways they could make a difference and change the world.

They definitely have beautiful hearts and will have a great impact now and in the future!!

Here is a beautiful and poignant entry from Nancy, a Girls LitClub participant in Kibera: