The Kibera Girls LitClub: All About Creativity

Sparking creativity in children opens the door to learning in every developmental area. When children think creatively, they look beyond what is in front of them to see what could be. This week, the Kibera Girls LitClub learned all about creativity.

Our session on Sunday was extra special, because we welcomed three new girls to the LitClub, Betty, Sarah and Esther. The girls were so excited to meet our new friends! We taught them the Hello Song and played a few games together. We started our lesson with a brief introduction on creativity, so that the girls could understand what it was about. Then we played an interesting game whereby the girls created stories using storytelling dice. The girls had to dive deeply into their imagination to come up with great stories. The game was such a success, and all of the girls were able to participate. Most of the stories were hilarious!

Next we had a visit from a special guest, Grace Irungu. Grace is a professional script writer and has written for Kenyan TV shows that are favorites of many. She shared her love and passion for writing, and explained how she became a writer. She talked about all sorts of challenges and successes that she has experienced in her writing career. The children were compelled by her story, and had so many questions for Grace. She also taught them how to add interesting twists when storytelling.

After reading the first chapter of the Helen Keller story, we ended the session with a few songs and more games. We sang the Goodbye Song and promised to meet in the next session. 


--Submitted by Girls LitClub Facilitator Prisca