
Baguio City Girls Club Celebrate Belonging and Sisterhood

The past couple of meetings for the Girls Club here in Baguio City, Philippines have helped to foster the sisterhood that is celebrated every week here among the high school girls. After reading the poem, Identity Crisis by fellow Filipino, Jake Erkens, the girls created their Identity Web by way of using markers. Before they knew it, the large posterboard was covered with intersecting lines! After everyone had completed drawing their lines, we took a few moments of silence just to reflect on what was created. Looking at the similarities and also the differences that were shared in this group of girls, they mentioned how it brought them together, especially as their school year slowly comes to a close.

After reading the poem, Belonging by Tracy Owens, each of the girls shared the different clubs and extra-curricular activities that they are involved in, outside of school. From the poem, the girls highlighted the line, “Belonging brings laughter through the difficulties,” as laughter was discovered as their common trait! Drawing their heart maps, many of them highlighted Church and Girls Club as places where they have developed meaningful relationships. It was an exciting past two sessions of Girls Club!

- From facilitator Crystal Catalan