Heart Maps

Girls LitClubs in Kibera Embrace Belonging


This past Sunday, girls at the Girls LitClub discussed the topic of BELONGING. They drew heart maps and shared with the class. The new club consists of twenty girls who are under the tutorship of Brenda.

Heart Map by Diana

The girls get along well and always play together after the club meetings. Their menu has also been finalized, so every Sunday the girls will be provided with lunch. The girls are ecstatic about it!


Heart Map by Mercy

On the November 6th, Barbara, an afro fusion artist, will be coming to talk and spend time with the girls.  They are very excited, and are eagerly looking foward to this rare visit.


This entry was submitted by our Girls LitClub facilitator in Kibera, Prisca. Thank you for all your work with the girls!

Girls Clubs in Baltimore, Maryland Make Heart Maps


I've long been a fan of simplicity and directness where possible, especially in the use of language. So when a very wise 4th grader said this yesterday, I was struck by her efficiency but more importantly her ability express such an important concept at a relatively young age. "We might look different on the outside, but we're all the same on the inside." And her club-mates agreed with her. We read and discussed Mem Fox's Whoever You Are which beautifully illustrates this very simple and profound truth. We considered ways we belong to each other (as friends and classmates), to our families (as daughters and sisters, cousins and moms), and to the whole world (as human beings). Then we made heart maps to represent all these important connections in our lives. My friend and artist Dorothy Valakos kindly shared her talent and materials so each girl was able to create a beautiful piece of art to help her remember the important roles she plays in the world. I hope the girls will continue to explore all the ways we are very similar, because although we might look different on the outside, we're all the same on the inside.
Shared by Virginia, Girls LitClub Facilitator in Baltimore, MD