LIt! solar lanterns

Mums Light Up in Bungoma, Kenya!

This entry was submitted by Rose, our Girls LitClub facilitator in Bungoma, Kenya:

Here are photos of a few happy LitClub mums after receiving solar lamps for their girls. Indeed Christmas came early for these mums! They were all smiles as they each received a solar lantern with her litclub daughter!

Light finally came at the end of the turnel! The girls expressed their joy through song and dance. The smoky kerosene lamps that made them suffer are going to end up in dustbins. The lamps that were donated by Litworld came in handy as some of the girls were preparing for exams and one of them studied hard to emerge top at the school after scoring 350 marks out of 500!
To them, these lamps are magical, a savior, a precious jewel!
Thank you Litworld.
Thank YOU, Rose!!

Girls Clubs in Kisumu, Kenya Receive Their Solar Lanterns!

Our Girls Clubs in Kisumu, Kenya recently received solar lanterns from our youth ambassador, Ben Hirschfeld, who started the LIT! project. The educators in Kisumu believe that the solar lanterns will go a long way to help the students read and do their homework back at home.

Our Girls Club liaison in Kenya, Lois, had this to say:

"I gave the Litworld Clubs at Nanga and Migosi their lanterns and will visit the remaining two schools tomorrow. The girls are very happy!  Sharon said her mother will be pleased to receive the lantern and today supper may be early for she will not have to hurry and buy paraffin. Catherine, also from Nanga Primary, was excited as she turned over the lantern and asked her friend to join her for studies at home."

Check out the photos below!

Here's to a BRIGHT future ahead for girls all over the world!