
Words Move Them! Our New Girls LitClub in Mashimoni, Kibera.

It was a lovely sunny Sunday afternoon as the girls were welcomed to their very first LitWorld Girls Club meeting. The girls were very excited, but others were more nervous than excited as this was their very first time!

They started off with introductions, icebreakers, and games so that they could relax and get comfortable when it was time to learn the Hello song, which they really loved!

Maureen explained the work and mission of LitWorld and how they would do a lot of exciting reading and writing to make a great impact in the world. They really seemed blown away by the idea that they would get to communicate and connect with the other LitWorld clubs all over the world!

Maureen introduced and explained the seven strengths that are imperative for the club where a great discussion with the girls on them. Each girl got a LitWorld diary that they will be using for the club. Which they spent time decorating with colors, stickers and glitters; they enjoyed this activity so much since each
girl got an opportunity to personalize their book and have it look exactly the way they want them.

They enjoyed it so much that they did not want to leave. It was an incredible day, can’t wait for the next session!

*Submitted by Prisca, who coordinates Girls LitClubs programs in Kibera, Kenya through the Children of Kibera Foundation.