The Girls Club in Port Chester, NY has finally begun! 4th and 5th grade girls of JFK elementary have been doing some exciting things in the past couple weeks! In the first session, the girls learned all about LitWorld and the fun things they would be reading and writing about this cycle! They also arrived to find personally decorated notebooks for each of them, made by their Girls Club mentors, high schoolers from Convent of Sacred Heart in Greenwich, CT! The girls were excited to have their very own place to express themselves through writing! Comprised of both old and new friends, these girls are excited to learn new things!! A great start to our Girls Club:
After talking together about what LitWorld and Girls Clubs are, all the girls, LitWorld facilitator Alyssa Dudzik, and JFK teacher Yvette Vera-Pignato created an amazing Seven Strengths Poster! On joyful yellow paper, the girls wrote and drew what they feel each strength means to them: Belonging, Curiosity, Sisterhood, Compassion, Confidence, Esteem, and Hope! This poster will be hung up during every Girls Club meeting!
The JFK Girls Club have most recently created Heart Maps. After reading “Whoever You Are” by Mem Fox, the girls talked together about what they feel belonging means. The girls then created Heart Maps to help them begin to think about the different ways we all belong to groups and individuals in our lives. The more of our heart the relationship takes up, the more important it is to us! The girls used markers, colored pencils, crayons, construction paper, and crazy scissors to each make their very own heart maps! Some things the most girls included in their heart maps were friends, family, being a girl (and of course, Justin Beiber!!)