Sing Me a Song That the World Can Sing Along

August 26, 2010
Monrovia, Liberia
Annie Foley, LitWorld

It is truly amazing how the harmony of voices can fill a room with joy. Through song, stoic faces transform into bright eyes and beaming smiles. Today LitWorld was welcomed into a room of glorious Liberian voices singing in chorus a tune we have come to know as universal. The more we get together the happier we will be. Your friend is my friend, and my friend is your friend. Teachers all over the world use this song to create and sustain community in their classrooms. Ironically this was the song greeting LitWorld this morning.

The 150 participants in our workshop today are all early childhood educators. Like LitWorld they believe that children in their early life are precious jewels of the future. When asked to describe a successful strategy used in their classrooms their most common responses were tenderness, empathy, activity and song. If older learners were also continually privy to such methods, imagine the effect.

LitWorld’s partner in Liberia is the promising Kimmie Weeks. He is supporting the development of early childhood educators throughout the nation with transformative teacher training programs such as LitWorld and Mother Goose. Hope for a better future resides within this youngest generation of learners, those who have witnessed only peace and the determined resilience of the Liberian people.