Story Power Camp, 7-8 year olds: re-imagining the collage mask

It was great to see that the kids are getting excited about coming to camp, and it gets the day started on the right foot when they greet us with smiling faces. The opening circle was particularly lively this morning. We sang boom-chicka-boom in every possible rendition (underwater style, valley girl style, mouse style, etc.) then played an extra silly (and sweaty) game of superheroes and villains.

After reading about famous American inventors, we asked the campers to invent their own superhero masks. It was interesting to see how differently the younger group responded to this project. First of all, they were much more interested in using the more familiar medium of crayon than using the cut-outs. Secondly, they really wanted our help with the execution of their visions.

But most notably, the vast majority of them began making the masks upside down from the way we had intended, which led to some very unique looking superhero masks! Some of them actually looked quite menacing. This was such a fun activity, but we really made a mess!
