As the first month of the year comes to an end, I feel excited about the new developments and continued growth of LitClubs in the Philippines. It has been a positive start of the new year. On behalf of LitWorld, I am happy to welcome in new partnerships that have been forged over these past few weeks.

With Peace Corps Staff Ambet and Gerry, and Alex Monroe, former Peace Corps Volunteer
One of the exciting new partnerships that LitWorld has established is our new connection to the Peace Corps. With the help of an incredible change maker and former Peace Corps Volunteer Alex Monroe, LitWorld has been able to begin building with the Peace Corps office in the Philippines. We are preparing to integate the LitClubs program with the work their volunteers are going to be doing on the ground, and we are currently planning for the training session that will happen this March. I look forward to reporting how it will come about.

Ado and Stephanie from Project Pearls
This month, LitWorld has also secured another organization partner, Project Pearls. Founded by a Filipino-American mother and daughter team, Melissa Villa and Francesca Villa Mateo, Project Pearls is an organization that helps bring resources to young children in a slum village and garbage dumpsite community called Ulingan. They have brought their incredible passion to help the youth through Feeding Programs, Scholarship Programs, and a quarterly medical mission. I am looking forward to helping them begin their LitClubs program to empower their youth on site, and we've begun training last week. I am very much looking forward to visiting them when it comes time.

Training Real Life Foundation Volunteers and Project Pearls staff on LitClubs over a meal
Real Life Foundation, our first partner organization in Manila, is gearing up for LitClubs in the new year. Here we are above, joined with staff members of Project Pearls, training on the curriculum. Good food, good people, and a good mission ahead!
And of course, I've got my Girls LitClub at the Real Life Foundation every Saturday, where the girls are always welcoming, energetic, and excited to start their session. I love that they excitedly volunteer to read aloud all at once- their desire to have their voice heard is truly inspiring.

Thank you to all our new partners in the Philippines- let's continue to build and grow!