My Fourth Visit to Red Rose School in Nairobi, Kenya

At once I am shocked and humbled at the fact that this is now my fourth visit to Red Rose.  Every time I come I feel the contradiction of walking into a new place and coming home.  

It is amazing to witness the kids aging.  The year goes by so quickly, and to see their familiar faces grow and change so strikingly is such a surprise.  I return expecting the small to stay small, but here they are; growing into adolescents before my eyes.  I worry that their schooling will run out, especially for the girls who so often stop attending school past even 3rd grade, let alone the “Education For All” 6th grade requirement.  Red Rose is a special place in that it began with one grade and has made room to grow with that grade as the students themselves are aging.  They are now opening a 7th grade classroom.


- Annie

Story Power Camp Day 2, 11-12 year olds: J is for Joyful

Hi!  My name is Carey Hartman.  I’m going to be a third year at CUNY School of Law.  I’m interested in pursuing work in Education Policy and Literacy Advocacy.  I wanted to intern with LitWorld this summer because I wanted to get back in touch with why I decided to go to law school in the first place, which was to help kids get the best opportunities possible and all the support they need in order to achieve all their dreams.  I’ve missed working with kids and it’s been a real treat so far getting to know all the fantastic Story Power campers!

Today we started on our Identity theme for the week.  To kick it off we made acrostic poems using the campers names.  The campers came up with some fantastic words!
For the A in her name, Ana chose Ardent; forthe M in her name, Ny-Eama chose Musical; for the J in her name, Jada chose Joyful and for the N in his name, Hervin chose Non-Violent.  The campers thought long and hard about what qualities described them most and wrote out the poems using lots of color and imagination.

I had a lovely conversation about poems with Vanessa - she loves reading poetry!  Her favorite book is Where the Sidewalk Ends, by Shel Silverstein, which is one of my all time favorites too!  Vanessa loves how imaginative Shel’s poetry is, she said she loves taking the book out to her trampoline, reading the poems & then staring up into sky imagining all the fun, crazy things he talks about.  Her favorite poem from the book is “Sister for Sale” and her favorite line is: “One crying and spying young sister for sale!”  We agreed, though, that things would pretty dull & quiet without little sisters around!  Does anyone have any suggestions for another poetry book Vanessa might like?  Something along the lines of Where the Sidewalk Ends - funny, quirky, and fantastical?

- Carey

Story Power Camp Day 2, 11-12 year olds: Before and after we read

Today we focused on making predictions and reflecting about books. After practicing our hypothesizing and reflecting skills with The Very Quiet Cricket by Eric Carle, each of the interns met with a smaller group to talk about the books that the campers checked out from the LitWorld library last week.

Dauntae checked out a book called The Boy Who Dared, the story of a Hitler Youth, and we talked all about World War II. I was pleased to find out that he had recently seen a play about the Holocaust and had absorbed many of the stories he learned. I hope he keeps reading about this topic, because it seems to interest him!

Another exciting moment was when Jalin discovered The Rose that Grew from Concrete, a book full of Tupac lyrics written in the handwriting of children. He liked the way the writing seemed more like text messaging, with “u” in place of “you,” and “2” for “two.” He read me a poem aloud and didn’t want to stop reading even when it was time for the final game of the day.

The discussions showed us that they are engaging with the books beyond the text. It will definitely be a good idea to incorporate more projects based on their independent reading!

- Jessie

Story Power Camp Day 1: 7-8 year olds - 14 Cows for America

Hi my name is Cathleen Villapudua and I am a LitWorld intern this summer! A rising senior at Amherst College, I will be graduating with a double major in Black Studies and Studio Art. Through the years I have tutored extensively, taught in the classroom and worked on many reading enrichment initiatives. I was excited to work with LitWorld this summer because after my time in Ghana I was compelled to work with literacy on a global scale and watch its ability to promote global change.

For the last four weeks we have been working hard to design a fun and thought-provoking curriculum for Story Power Camp, and today we finally got to meet our 7-8 year olds! It was heart-warming to see the campers reacting so positively to the activities we had planned. We worked a lot on getting to know the campers, and started off the day with a name game, which included a motion they felt represented themselves. Later in the day they would come up to me and say things like “You did the *insert squiggly hand motion*, what’s your name? Oh yeaaaa Cathleen!”

Once we went inside and the campers had a chance to settle down and drink some water, Emily C. began reading “14 Cows for America” out loud. The story retold the story of Kenya’s generous gift to America post September 11. Kenya gave the United States 14 cows (which are their life source) as a source of comfort for their great loss. Everyone had many questions about the significance of such a grand gesture, and were intrigued by the events of September 11 since they were not yet born at the time. It was overall a very reflective day.

The highlight of the day was when the campers got to choose their very own books to take home and read.  Their faces shone with anticipation to pick one of the shiny untouched books from the LitWorld Library. Many could not decide which book to take home with them but felt much better knowing they could always take their second choice home the next camp day!

- Cathleen

Story Power Camp Day 1, 11-12 year olds: Writing Letters to Kenya

Hello! My name is Jessie and I am an intern for LitWorld this summer. This Fall I am going to be a senior at Wesleyan University, and my major is American Studies with a concentration in cultural anthropology. I am from Napa, California. I wanted to be a LitWorld intern because I love listening to the stories of children and am interested in learning more about different approaches that address educational inequity in the U.S. and all over the world.

So far, the interns have spent most of the summer planning for Story Power camp, which has been a wonderful mix of brainstorming ideas from our own experiences and learning from some special guests. Another thing that the interns have been doing is helping the LitWorld team prepare for their trip to Kenya, where they are heading tomorrow!

Yesterday was our first day with the campers. It has been great to finally meet them these past two days. We thought that since LitWorld is visiting schools in Kenya, the kids at Story Power Camp in Harlem might like to write letters to kids their own age that live halfway across the world.

They wrote about their summers, their families, their favorite sports, games and foods. Their curiosity about their prospective penpals was inspiring. All sorts of questions came up about Kenya and the lives of the children who live there. What does it look like there? What sorts of animals do they have? What do they learn in school? These sentiments were eloquently summed up by Tateyania, who closed her letter with the sincere affirmation, “It would be interesting to know more about your life.”

I was pleasantly surprised at how well they were able to express themselves on paper. It was an energizing start to a summer that will be packed with stories, writing and fun!

- Jessie

Story Power Camp Day 1 7&8: Sweet Beginnings

Hello! I’m Emily, and I’m an intern at LitWorld this summer. In the fall I’ll be starting my senior year at Barnard College, where I study English and education. I’m originally from Westchester, New York, but I love living in Manhattan! I’m thrilled to be interning with LitWorld this summer, doing work that combines my love of reading, writing, and education.

Today was a big day for us—the first day of our Story Power summer camp. We’ve spent the last few weeks preparing for the camp in countless ways: we’ve brainstormed, researched, collaborated, danced, played games, and, of course, spent lots of time writing. After all that preparation, we were more than ready to begin. After some introductory games, we head inside to start reading. 

We spent part of class reading the inspiring children’s book 14 Cows for America, by LitWorld's Story Power award winner Cameron Agra Deedy. The book takes place in Kenya, and explores Maasai culture, emphasizing the essential role cows play in their society. The Maasai were so moved by the tragic story of September 11, 2001 that they gifted 14 of their precious cows to America. 

We read the story slowly, taking time to really consider the importance of the gift, and to admire the beautiful illustrations. We spent quite a bit of time talking about the significance of cows to the Maasai people. As Deedy says in her book, “To the Maasai, the cow is life.”

After reading that weighty line, we talked about the things that “are life” to us. Answers varied, with the most popular topics landing somewhere around God, mom, school, and books. This was a moving and inspiring discussion, and one that bodes well for the rest of camp! 

- Emily H

Story Power Camp Day 1, 7-8 year olds - Jambo!

Hi! My name is Nicolee, and I am an intern at LitWorld this summer. I just finished my first year at McGill University, where I am majoring in Latin American and Caribbean Studies and double minoring in Education and French.

I am so excited to be a part of LitWorld’s Story Power Camp at the Polo Grounds in Harlem this summer. We’ve planned lots of fun activities to keep the kids excited about reading and writing over the summer. So far, we’re off to a wonderful start!

Today was our first day with the 7 and 8 year olds, and it went great! We started the day outside in the hot sun with some silly games to get to know each other’s names.

Next, we headed inside for a read aloud of Carmen Agra Deedy’s beautiful picture book, 14 Cows for America, about the Maasai people of East Africa. We talked about the language, culture, and geography of Kenya. We also had lots of fun singing a song called “Jambo”, which means “Hello” in Swahili!

For our final activity, we wrote letters to real students in Kenya where we introduced ourselves, talked about our interests, and asked our new pen pals about their lives. LitWorld representatives will deliver these letters to the students when they travel Kenya later this week. We can’t wait to hear back from our new friends!

- Nicolee

The Davis Peace Project in South Africa



Shannon Bishop, LitWorld Ambassador in South Africa

I was compelled to apply for funding, and applied to the Davis Project for Peace, through the graduate residence I stay in, International House, New York. I was awarded a $10 000 grant by the Davis Project for Peace to implement teacher training using technology in South Africa, and incorporated LitWorld as a partner into the project. I completed the project over three and a half weeks in Athlone in the Western Cape. 

The incentive for the project stems from an article I read in the New York Times in September, 2009. The article discussed the situation in some South African schools today regarding lack of motivation in teachers, especially using technology in the classroom. The article was based on a school identified by the Khanya Project as being desperately in need of motivation and support to instill a culture of learning, especially through technology.

I proposed a Teacher Training initiative that uses teacher's personal narratives as a motivational tool to write personal stories using computers, to allow teachers to access and use technology in the classroom. The Teacher training project involves getting teachers fully motivated and on board by developing and implementing a technology curriculum for teachers that integrates literacy skills and social networking, and by giving teachers an incentive -to create their own digital story using technology.


 I approached the NGO, LitWorld, based in New York, and  the Founder and Executive Director, Pam Allyn, a Teachers College Alumnus, generously agreed to pilot a curriculum that integrates the digital resources that are quickly becoming the primary mode for literacy development and (LitWorld’s) core philosophy of transformational literacy in a way that would significantly impact teachers and students in South Africa. LitWorld generously supplied a suitcase full of books for children which will became the parting gift to Bridgeville Primary School to be added to their library for every learner (and teacher) to access. What makes these specific books beneficial is that all these books are being read and integrated into the literacy-using-technology teacher workshop.



Looking Up

August 28, 2010
Monrovia, Liberia
Annie Foley, LitWorld

What is the power of a smile? To smile at someone conveys that you recognize their individuality, that you appreciate their essence, you are happy to share their company. To smile at someone sends the message that you have a peaceful heart and are open to connection. Contrarily, a stern face is a shield, a measure of protection in the face of uncertainty and fear. Withholding a smile sends a message of defense and impasse.

Yesterday LitWorld promoted the smile. Upon arrival the young women from the YAI Liberian Center for Women and the professional women from Liberian politics were very serious. Both groups of women had come to the Ministry of Gender to initiate an important mentoring relationship. Everyone in the room sensed the grave nature of our work. No one dared make light of the dire situation for women in Liberia: merely 5% have completed primary school, 7% have completed secondary school, literacy rates are as low as 26% and over 70% of all girls under the age of 15 have experienced sexual violence, rape being called “common habit”.

Faces in the room reflected caution and sobriety. The professional women told their stories of struggle and triumph. Once girls with lice and jiggers, selling goods in the market for school fees, walking miles to get educated, these women had risen from the dust to succeed and become decision-makers. The young women were riveted and nodded with tears of empathy in their eyes.

Then we sang.

And we smiled.

And together our voices filled the room with happy, hopeful noise. Our song propelled us to joyfully join together to reminisce of our past, consider our present and dream of ways to uplift our common future.

Sing Me a Song That the World Can Sing Along

August 26, 2010
Monrovia, Liberia
Annie Foley, LitWorld

It is truly amazing how the harmony of voices can fill a room with joy. Through song, stoic faces transform into bright eyes and beaming smiles. Today LitWorld was welcomed into a room of glorious Liberian voices singing in chorus a tune we have come to know as universal. The more we get together the happier we will be. Your friend is my friend, and my friend is your friend. Teachers all over the world use this song to create and sustain community in their classrooms. Ironically this was the song greeting LitWorld this morning.

The 150 participants in our workshop today are all early childhood educators. Like LitWorld they believe that children in their early life are precious jewels of the future. When asked to describe a successful strategy used in their classrooms their most common responses were tenderness, empathy, activity and song. If older learners were also continually privy to such methods, imagine the effect.

LitWorld’s partner in Liberia is the promising Kimmie Weeks. He is supporting the development of early childhood educators throughout the nation with transformative teacher training programs such as LitWorld and Mother Goose. Hope for a better future resides within this youngest generation of learners, those who have witnessed only peace and the determined resilience of the Liberian people.

The More We Get Together

August 25, 2010
Monrovia, Liberia
Annie Foley, LitWorld

The lush Liberian countryside takes my breath away. Squinting you can just see the small village huts enveloped in shades of emerald and jade. Today we voyaged through the trees to visit our friends at the Project School in Monrovia and Becky Primary School in Firestone. We traversed major traffic jams and deep country potholes, all the while immersed in personal and national histories.

Here school begins on September 1st. Despite the 6 remaining days of their precious summer vacation, teachers enthusiastically poured into our trainings in both schools. Some of the teachers were already LitWorld aficionados, having been to our trainings in 2008 and 2009. What an inspiration to have these old friends remember songs and strategies we had taught them in prior visits! Perpetually bearing in mind the immense class size and dearth of resources that burden Liberian schools, our workshops centered around building community with songs and learning from each other’s stories.

Despite the evident hopefulness of development here in Liberia, the educational system is desperately vulnerable. The ratio of 75 students per 1 teacher impedes differentiation severely. Absence of books, paper and writing utensils hinder academic practice. Space and furniture enough for every student is non-existent. Teachers are worried about increasing rates of bribery and plummeting test scores. In a country with a woman president, women and girls continue to fight for safety and success in schools. Teachers require professional development that empowers them to plan and collaborate effectively and to see themselves not as vessels of all knowledge but mediators of information for their students.

It is imperative to support democracy and positive change in Liberia in this precious time. Just as September is the foundation for the entire school year, the habits realized now will determine Liberia’s future. As one classroom is to one school, Liberia is to our global community.

The Past, the Present and the Future

August 24, 2010
Monrovia, Liberia
Annie Foley, LitWorld

The Past, the Present and the Future

Every visit should begin with a parade. LitWorld was greeted in Liberia with a patriotic celebration of the nation’s flag. “Little America” waved red, white and blue while the school children, scouts and police officers walked together through an eager crowd. As we stood among the Liberian people in the warm sun we marveled at the change that has occurred since our visit last summer. Buildings and spirits are rising, and a national pride hovers in the air. In each of the 3 years LitWorld has been visiting Liberia we have been privy to witness the ever-growing resilience as an amazingly strong people face their past by rebuilding for the future.

After a quick change of clothes LitWorld partnered with Youth Action International and Kimmie Weeks for a press conference with several reporters from Liberian newspaper, TV and radio. Most impressive were the two women reporters from Renaissance Communications Incorporated whom Kimmie announced were the first women reporters ever to attend a YAI press conference. How fitting an event to precede the LitWorld/YAI Women and Girls Mentoring Initiative launch. On Friday young women from the YAI women’s center are paired with women from professional Liberian culture, including several women senators, to develop lasting, impactful and supportive relationships.

As always, we are deeply humbled by the stories gifted to us by our friends here. Through these stories personal narrative educates and meditates, soothes and incites. Today’s most striking stories include that of a young woman running with her children at her feet and on her back through the trees for four months toward the boat that would take her to safety, only to arrive at the last possible moment. Throughout the crisis a young man faced the constant personal dilemma of whether or not to join the fighting. His family strength was his only discouragement, which in the end saved his life.

Kibera's heart contains unlimited potential for joy

My plane is scheduled to leave in 12 hours and I am very sad.

Not because of the poverty, the suffering, the crazy "I actually cannot deal the fact that this is happening to someone" misery.

I am sad because I love this place. I love the people, I love the landscape, I love the crazy drivers, I love the friendship and openness of almost every single person I have met. And if the world took an IQ test I am certain that Kenya would finish in first place, way above everybody else.

The past two weeks I have never laughed more in my life. Received more genuine handshakes, gratitude, kindnesses, hospitality, graciousness, patience, affection, generosity, and human connectedness than ever before. All this from people who had nothing to give me, yet gave me more than I have ever received.

My last trip here left me hugely confused -- how can this place contain so much kindness and love when there is so much suffering?

And I think I have figured it out (at least for now, anyway). There is an unlimited reservoir of happiness burbling below the surface of humanity. It is unstoppable, everpresent, and a force to be reckoned with. Poverty, and illiteracy, and hunger, and violence all seek to keep it below the surface. But love and joy are relentless in their push to be present in the world.

LitWorld gives people the tools to tap into that wonderful power that is always ready, asking simply for the chance to appear on earth. And here in Kenya we have opened up a torrent of joy that is cascading into the world, freed at last from its confines.

The statistics about Kibera are all true. And the nightmare of what goes on there requires some sort of compartmentalizing in the brain that is almost beyond my capacity. But let me end with what I will swear to the ends of the earth is true: Kibera's heart contains unlimited potential for joy. And the trickle of happiness that LitWorld added with its first visit then grew into a nice burbling fountain which has now become a screaming geyser.

There is plenty of joy in Kibera -- it just needs to emerge. Storytelling, writing about one's experiences, reading to a child, talking with others about the story that is one's life . .. these are what LitWorld shows people how to do. For these are the catalysts to unlock the joy crying out to see the light of day.

My Swahili is so bad and non-improving that they call me "bongo lala", which I think basically means "brain dead." But there are still enough synapses firing for me to know that I have heard the words "you're welcome" more than "thank you", and that is as it should be. For the joy of Kenya burbled up, and showered down, and that is the real story here.


The Red Rose Blues

The work at Red Rose finished for the week in dramatic fashion. Starting with a great lesson led by the Red Rose teachers with back-up by the LitWorld team integrating the teachings of the week. They all stepped up and did it right and did it well. Annie’s planning and leadership this week were brilliant, and Jen and Lucas carried the days with superb modeling and coaching. This work will stick.

Followed by a meeting of the Girls’ Club, where they talked about how they now have a place they can talk about things with Teacher Rose that they cannot discuss about anywhere else. A place they can communicate with other girls about these things, to create a support network at school and in their community. A place that is their sanctuary.

Followed by the finest End of National Exams celebration I have ever attended in my life, with singing, dancing, drumming, storytelling, and the most fabulous rendition imaginable of one story the LitWorld team worked with them on during the week. We reciprocated their gift of music with our own, showcasing the heart and soul of American music with an original number we wrote for them: The Red Rose Blues. Lucas then formally presented his guitar to the school as a gift and the place went wild.

We exchanged other gifts and mutual thanks, gathered our belongings, and walked through the open door of the metal gate, hitting our head one more time on the low overhang.


The End is The Beginning

Time has a way of creeping up and zooming by. Hard to imagine that already our LitWeek is over, another trip come and gone. Today we celebrated all we accomplished this week. The 6th Class performed a STELLAR performance of Abiyoyo for the entire school. I was completely amazed at how well-planned and creative it was.  ZZZOOOOOOPPPPPP!!!

In the morning I was blessed with a visit to the Hope Children's Centre, the one-room school house started with the help of my friend Benta.  I walked in an was blown away by the absence of resources, the meek room that held safe the 20 or so students.  The teacher in the room, Sheila, looked at me skeptically.  I asked for Benta, and while one of the students went to retrieve her I distributed the pile of books that I had brought to share to the children.  In that moment I was the most humbled I have ever been in my life.  The joy that filled the room was almost tangible.  It was clear that these students were not used to receiving anything, had never held books of their own and were uplifted by an act as simple as handing out books.  I am holding that feeling in my heart.  I wish I could share with you all how amazing it was to see the light that filled the room.  I asked Benta what sorts of things I could bring to her school on my next visit.  "Stationary, colors, pencils, perhaps food."  Children should not have to live in this much need...

Although the week is over, and I am soon to return to my easy life in the US, the lessons I learn here from my Kenyan family imprint on me a deep appreciation for food, gifts, relationships and the resilience of the human spirit.  I humbly and wholly thank my hosts for allowing me to come and spend the past week learning with them, laughing with them and playing with literacy.  The experience has been an inexplicable gift.  There are not words to describe my feelings.


Teaching should be joyful. Learning should be joyful.

The work with the teachers and students again went well today. Following their cues, we delved deeper into using music, singing, and song lyrics to teach reading, vocabulary, spelling, and story structure. The teachers were deeply impressed with this teaching technique as it addressed their concern of how to teach the required curriculum which is heavy on rote mandates regarding the conventions of literacy with their desire to engage the children in real storytelling and understanding of text in an environment that is simply more fun for everyone.

The LitWorld team reviewed the techniques involved in teaching reading through song. A preview of new vocabulary words, word work through identifying all the words starting with a certain letter, then shared reading of the words line by line through learning the song. Then assigning motions or movements to certain parts of the song – all volunteered by the students and every step of the process reinforcing the ones before it.  Then the teacher led the song one time through, with the kids delightedly beginning to sing along and energetically doing the physical motions. Second time around was a rousing rendition led by the kids, reading by singing, and acting out the story of the song.

As is the LitWorld method, the teachers co-taught the lessons and did a great job leading the singing and creatively teaching the new vocabulary and spelling words to the kids.

At the end-of-the-day meeting the teachers were extremely enthusiastic about this technique, as the kids genuinely integrated more meaning, vocabulary and word study in 25 minutes of enjoyment than they had received in a week’s worth of desk work with index cards.  This approach also requires only a chalk board, chalk, and human voices – maximum outcomes with minimal materials.

We broke for lunch and used the time not only to have a delicious meal of rice and beef stew (devoured by the teachers – LitWorld is providing these meals as we feed both their bodies and their minds), but to simply celebrate the beauty of music. Not only as a teaching tool, but as one of the most fun things on earth.

The LW interns had loaded my iPod with music for the kids to dance to. Adding our own noise to the cacophony of Kibera, we cranked up the handheld speaker and had a brief but amazing dance party right in the small courtyard of the school. MoTown, the Kinks, some Beatles and other great songs had the kids raucously doing the funky chicken (they call it the kookoo dance), conga-lining it, and generally bopping around with a moshpit-like exuberance that was phenomenal.  I guess that was the gym class for the day, and it was a good one.

Jeff Okoth, who runs the school, told us this morning that the best thing that LitWorld brings to his teachers (on top of all the practical advice on how to teach reading and writing in hugely effective ways) is the idea that there should be joy in classrooms. Teaching should be joyful. Learning should be joyful. He said that is the profound change that LitWorld has brought to Red Rose.

Joy is sometimes in short supply here. And perhaps it is hard to measure joy, but it is one of those things that you know it when you see it, and we saw a lot of it today.

And as for measuring things . . .

LitWorld will proudly hold its programs and results to any data metric out there, in terms of student achievement, student progress, teacher satisfaction, teacher competency levels, direct replicability of programming, turn-key establishment of local on-site leaders capable of leveraging the work and effectively integrating it into the essence of the community, and use of technology and innovative thinking to create real impact on-site with the most prudent use of its resources.

We will accept that challenge thrown down by a non-profit environment that is increasingly and relentlessly data driven, replicability obessed, cost/benefit analyzing, corporatizing, show me the algorithm proving that my money is realizing the most data-provable “return” on its investment. And we will thrive in that environment without overstating, or inflating, or exaggerating the effectiveness of everything we do. For there are many pluses that come from a sharp-penciled analysis of what is actually being achieved by a non-profit, and LitWorld will pass any such test with flying colors.

Maybe, though, we all should start thinking about how that the equation and analysis ought to include some factors that are all too often ignored, perhaps because they are harder to measure. Factors like joy, and happiness, and hope, and experiencing kindness in the world.

People strive for what is being measured. Let’s put a number on love.


Day 3: Beverly Hills

Today was action packed with much adventure, excitement and learning for all.  Due to the time and my exhaustion, I am going to limit this post to 3 major events, not in any particular order...

First I want to share that my wonderful friend Benta has had another baby!!  You may remember her as the HIV positive mother of 2 year old Craig David.  She has also opened a school for HIV positive mothers and their children called the Hope School which we will be visiting tomorrow, our last day of LitWeek.  Benta is a role model for overcoming all odds and letting the miracles in life guide you.  Congratulations to Benta, Craig David and Baby Beverly Hills!!  Welcome to the world!!

Second I want to say that I am incredibly humbled by the work we have been doing.  Our reflection question today was:  tell us one thing that you are still thinking of that can inform our work for next time.  The answers were thorough and thoughtful, and they will guide our planning for many sessions to come.  I am looking forward to planning our future with the teachers of Kibera!

Lastly I want to leave my readers with a recess dance party at Red Rose School.  Please enjoy!!


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The Nuts and Bolts

I hope this first report gives you some idea of the essence of the work and community as well as a glimpse into the nuts and bolts day-to-day work. It is powerful and effective and transformative. I believe it is also laying the groundwork for much broader impacts in the area of literacy training, resilience and healing in the face of harsh, harsh living conditions and experiences, and giving children their childhoods and real hope for the future.

There is ceaseless noise in Kibera. The weird buzz of sparking grinders on the metal of security fences being constructed in a metal shop in the middle of the road. The sizzling zap from the hot white arcs of the welds securing the security fences. The clanging of huge metal security gates squealing open as someone enters. The smash of those gates against the metal barrier wall. The noise of the craving for security and safety.

There is ceaseless noise in Kibera. The thwack thwack thwack of hammers from the construction of the addition to the schoolhouse, pounding into the room while the students take the national exams. The bizarre, unidentifiable squealing of some sort of transportation device passing by unseen outside the gates. The bang bang bang of big stones being pounded into smaller stones in the streets. The noise of creation and building.

There is ceaseless noise in Kibera. The beautiful singing of the teachers singing together as a group. "How are YOU?!" smilingly asked by virtually every child in the streets. The lilt in the students' voices when then raise their hand in class, pleading to be called on, calling out "Teachah, teachah!!". The unstoppable, indefatigable, fabulously beautiful sound of people laughing and laughing throughout the day. The noise of learning and love.

There is also endless silence in Kibera. The things that go on in the places that remain silent are the scariest. The vicious stepmother. The women with AIDS who gather in the streets, watching, hoping. The "home" to "rehabilitate" "runaway" boys which makes hell sound wonderful in comparison. The stepfather who makes clear what will happen if you tell anyone. The silence of hopelessness, massive stress, inhuman physical living conditions.

The entry into this world for an outsider is immediate, intense, emotional, exhilarating and horrifying. It is an extremely complicated place, vastly more intricate in its social dealings than the US because issues of status and power are issues of real life and death. These are not people on a deserted island waiting for a food drop. They are people living in a complex, loving, corrupted, and deeply violent place -- both emotionally and physically -- trying to interact with the world in the best way they can.

With that backdrop always in mind, the team from LitWorld set out to do its work at the Red Rose School. My brief impressions so far:

Annie Foley is leading the team. She has established an excellent rapport with the students and teachers from prior trips here. The trust level is clearly established. She oversaw and planned the work. Jennifer Goodwin, volunteering with the team, explained the theory underlying effective reading instruction and explained how to do it -- the discrete element chosen as the teaching and implementation vehicle was tableaux. This in a nutshell consists of breaking a story down into five or so important scenes, breaking the kids into the five groups, and having the students discuss them and "freeze" in a scene they imagine from their storypoint. Her husband, Lucas Rotman, another LW team leader volunteer, led a session on using music to teach reading, along with using music as a storytelling vehicle. Teachers asked many questions based on their efforts and experiences in implementing teaching techniques from prior visits. Annie guided the discussions, always focusing on responding to the teachers queries with an eye to making sure they will be able to do it in their own classrooms, and they will see the enormous value of doing it.

These teachers at Red Rose are receiving the best BEST staff development that is occurring anywhere in the WORLD right now, and I meant it. The teachers are REALLY into it. Their appreciation is especially pronounced because we are providing so many tips on how to do this work in the face of the day to day realities they face -- mandated government curriculum that is very lecture oriented, a desperate lack of materials, and never having experienced this kind of teaching instruction in their own learning lives. The teachers are very brave and open. Annie, Jen and Lucas did a really wonderful job of supporting the teachers as they spent the afternoon trying out the new lessons with the students in front of and with their colleagues. From a morning spent learning a new and powerful teaching technique, to jumping right into trying it themselves in the afternoon, to achieving success due to the gentle support provided during their trying it with the kids -- I have never seen teachers move so rapidly and genuinely through the process of learning to implementation.

Today we also interviewed Teacher Rose at length. Rose leads the Girls' Club and the club is so amazing -- it is very energizing for the girls. Some are now attending from schools other than Red Rose because the girls told their friends about it. Visitors from Nairobi said the girls are much more engaged and assertive than most of the girls seen in Nairobi, and especially more so than the girls from the countryside. The girls have asked if the program can take place every single day. I will have more details when we attend the next meeting on Friday afternoon. This is personally my favorite project of LitWorld's. So much springs from this Club, all of it good and powerful and worldchanging and lifelong.

The Lit! project with the solar powered lanterns has been prescient in seeing the potential of these amazing devices. Demand is spreading in Kibera and throughout Nairobi as people seek to break the cartel of the kerosene providers hypercharging the poor for light. This is a worldchanging device in its own right, and we will be distributing more of them while we are here.

Finally, we believe we have figured out a successful solution to the internet accessibility issue that we will be trying out over the next two days. It should provide reliable and reasonably fast internet connectivity at a very reasonable fee for Red Rose. The ability to continue the conversations with the teachers on a regular and easy basis between actual visits to the school would be profoundly powerful.

I hope this gives you some idea of the nuts and bolts day-to-day work. It is powerful and effective and transformative. I believe it is also laying the groundwork for much broader impacts in the area of literacy training, resilience and healing in the face of harsh, harsh living conditions and experiences, and giving children their childhoods and real hope for the future.


Sing Me a Song

I gave Brian, a 6th grade student, the camera today.  He left me for a minute and returned with the camera in hand.  It wasn't until I began writing this post that I realized what he had photographed.  This is lunch.  It breaks my heart to see the tattered clothing and the hungry faces of these bright, gorgeous children.  No child in the world should have to live with this much need.

Despite the conditions, Kibera is improving.  There is a new mobilization among the people, a new hopefulness.  Perhaps it is the upcoming referendum vote to take place on August 4th. The people will be voting on the drafted constitution.  Kenyans have been living under no constitution since their independence from the British in 1963.  In 2007 over 1000 people were injured or killed in a similar vote to the one to take place in 2 weeks.  There is definite tension and excitement in the air.

I did not intend to write any of that.  The Kenyan breeze must be getting to me...

According to some followers, we are delivering the "most intense and cutting edge professional development in the world."

Today Lucas gave an amazing presentation on using song in the classroom to practice and teach reading and writing strategies.  The teachers here all use song in the classroom, so it was incredible to see the light bulbs go off in their eyes as they realized how much can be done with the songs they already know.  We all learned a wonderful song from Brooklyn called The Tree Song.  We danced and sang and learned our initial sounds.

After lunch Jennifer and Lucas coached a model lesson in the 5th and 6th Classes using the Abiyoyo storytelling method we had practiced with the teachers yesterday.  The kids had such fun, and the teachers were fully capable of making the lesson a success.  The day ended with everyone eager to try out new ideas in their classrooms.

Each day that I am here I am desensitized a little more to my surroundings.  The dust and burning trash cease to bother my lungs, my eyes become accustomed to the sight of barefoot babies and torn uniforms.  Then suddenly the smallest thing will remind me of where I am.  Today that thing was this:


Day One: Playing with Reading

Day one of the summer 2010 Red Rose seminars was a hit, if I do say so myself...  Any day that begins with an assembly of children singing and dancing is marked as spectacular in my book.

We unpacked and took Jennifer and Lucas on a tour of the school.  Our good friend Teacher Sophia was our initial guide, showing us the room arrangements that for PreUnit, Class One and Nursery.  She is now teaching Class One, a change from PreUnit since we were last here.

The principal, Mr. Buluma, took us through the back of the school, to the Class 2, 3, 4 and Baby Class.  We then took a walk across Kibera to visit the new middle school building.  The Children of Kibera Potomac High School students had been there last week and helped with construction of 4 new classrooms.  Each have 2 skylights which brighten the room considerably, making them cheery and filled with hope.

After tea the teachers all gathered eagerly for our workshop.  Every teacher attended!  It was truly fantastic to have the entire staff in the one room learning together with us.  Jennifer presented a terrific synopsis of the reading process, true "cutting edge" stuff.  (Thanks Jim!!)

After lunch we practiced differentiation techniques to expand student comprehension.  Lucas told the story of Abiyoyo (a teacher favorite!) with gusto, and we took turns acting out parts of the story.  This activity really got the teachers loosened up, laughing and playing with literacy.

We finished the day with song, journal reflections and one word that summarized our work for the day.  Words like visualize, laughter, dramatize, learning, oral, access, inspire, perfect...
