Pam had the honor of being a guest on Leslie Irish Evans' talk show "Peeling Mom Off The Ceiling- One Mom Martyr at a Time" which helps mothers find peace and tranquility in their hectic lives. As Leslie is from Seattle and comes from a family that was constantly reading, she has difficulty imagining a world without words. The two ladies discuss how literacy can positively impact many aspects of one’s life ranging from one’s socioeconomic status to their health. Did you know that a child whose mother cannot read or write is 50% more likely to die before the age of five and 200% more likely to suffer from malnutrition than a child whose mother has completed primary school? While discussing World Read Aloud Day, Leslie shares the positive impact that picture books have had on her life when she recites a passage from The Cat in The Hat by memory.
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Leslie will also be talking about 21st Century Picture Books this Monday, March 7, at 9 am on KKNW 1150AM in Seattle of listen/watch online at