Meet Social Media WRADvocate Jennifer Vincent!

Jen Vincent is a teacher leader in her district supporting new teachers through their Teacher Mentor Program. She is a National Board Certified teacher in early/middle childhood literacy and taught as a hearing itinerant teacher for the past ten years. She blogs at and can be found on Twitter as @mentortexts.

On March 6 Jen will be traveling to classrooms at her school to read aloud. She plans to continue the festivities at home with a Dragons Love Tacos book party!

Jen is also leading the way in our World Read Aloud Day Blogging Challenge. Check out her post from week 1 here, and read on for an excerpt from her week 2 post.


Week 2: Now & Then

Answer the following questions twice. First, from your ten-year-old self's perspective and then from your current perspective.

1. I think everyone in the world should read...

When I was 10: The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynn Reid Banks. The author visited my school and I love how the main character can bring his toys to life.

Now: Wonder by RJ Palacio. As I read Wonder, I kept thinking of people I wanted to recommend it the end, I wanted to give it to everyone I know. I have recommended it to so many people, from neighbors and friends to colleagues, I even recommended it to my doctor. It is such an important book about how we treat each other. The world would be a kinder place if everyone read Wonder.

Read the rest of Jen's beautiful answers at Teach Mentor Texts. Thank you Jen for spreading the Read It Forward movement far and wide!