Meet Regional WRADvocate Alexandra Navarre

It is a pleasure to introduce our Regional WRADvocate from New Orleans, Louisiana, Alexandra Navarre! We asked Alex why why she celebrates World Read Aloud Day, and to give us a glimpse of her exciting plans for March 6. Here is what she had to say:

"Books are one of the most important things in my life. Ever since I was a child, books and reading have always been one of my favorite pastimes. I believe that helping introduce young people to the magic of reading is vital to their educational growth and a successful life.  WRAD is a great opportunity to invite them to explore new worlds and ideas through a great story. I want the children who participate in WRAD to be exposed to reading and literature, and to give them the opportunity to learn just how fun it can be!

New Orleans is a city that lives in the imagination of people the world over, so what better place to ignite the love of stories than in a place filled with a colorful history and lore? We have plans to initiate WRAD events in local schools, libraries, and even a children's hospital. WRAD gives all children the chance to have the world of literature given to them."