Meet Regional WRADvocate Debbie Dadey!

Debbie Dadey is the author and co-author of 152 books, including The Adventures of the Bailey School Kids series and the new series, Mermaid Tales. On a recent trip to Kentucky Debbie made an appearance on a TV talk show to promote World Read Aloud Day! Watch her full interview here.

We asked Debbie why she celebrates World Read Aloud Day, here is what she had to say:

"I know the power and the joy that reading aloud brings. The power is that reading aloud creates a love oliterature, exposure to extensive vocabulary, and growth in comprehension. I don't remember a single worksheet that my fourth grade teacher gave me, but I remember her reading The Little House on the Prarirre series. Besides getting spanked for talking too much, that's about all I remember."

On March 6 Debbie will be reading aloud to classrooms over Skype, and visiting a local school in Warminster, Pennsylvania to share stories with classrooms of excited children!

Get to know Debbie, follow her on Twitter, @DebbieDadey, and visit her at