Meet Fundraising WRADvocate Michelle Breum

Meet Michelle Breum, a World Read Aloud Day Fundraising WRADvocate. Fundraising WRADvocates are supporting World Read Aloud Day 2013 by planning and promoting community events and online campaigns that include a fundraising component. Funds will be donated either to local charities in need, or to LitWorld.

On March 6, 2013 during regular story time at Parmly Billings LibraryMichelle will share information about LitWorld and World Read Aloud Day. The library is excited to celebrate WRAD for a second year with Michelle. Last year bookmarks and a signed copy of The Paper Bag Princess were given away. This year books will be collected from library patrons the week before and day of WRAD. The books will be donated to the Friendship House of Billings, Montana. Parents and children who attend story time on March 6th will be given a bookmark and a ticket for a chance to win a signed copy of Light Up the Night by Jean Reidy. Michelle will read aloud The Berenstain Bears and The Spooky Old Tree and tell why it was one of her children's favorite books.

We asked Michelle why she supports WRAD and she shared:

I support World Read Aloud Day, because I love reading aloud to my own children. We have less time reading aloud as they have gotten older and much busier, but we still make time for reading aloud. I'm in awe of what LitWorld is accomplishing and am thrilled to spread the word about LitWorld's mission and work.

Help Michelle reach her fundraising goal for World Read Aloud Day by visiting her Crowdrise page, and don't forget to check out Michelle's website, Pinterest, Google+ and Squidoo pages.

Planning for WRAD: Dispatch from the LitWorld Office

Imagine a Kingdom robbed of its stories—a colorless, drab place with no history. How would you retrieve those narratives? How would you replace them with new ones? What would your rejuvenated kingdom look like? If you were king or queen for a day, what would you decree? These are the questions Abby, Natasha, and I (LitWorld’s spring interns) were batting around as prompts for the LitFests taking place on World Read Aloud Day.

At the LitFests, we are in charge of three booths: the book giveaway, the literacy emblem (i.e., crown, badge, or armbands), and the noisemaker stations. Yesterday afternoon, we had our first brainstorming session. Collaborating with these two savvy women proved to be a dynamic and invigorating experience: even though our meeting occurred near the end of the day, by the end, I felt energized and excited.

On World Read Aloud Day, we get to share our stories, read those of others, and make new ones together. As March 6 draws closer, I have realized I am most looking forward to the communal connectivity of the day. Participating in World Read Aloud Day means giving part of yourself to change the story of literacy. Together, each of us will add a little color to the LitWorld Kingdom.

--Written by Susannah Rosenfield, LitWorld Intern

My Favorite Read Aloud Memory: Lindsey Manwell

Our excitment for World Read Aloud Day here in the LitWorld office grows each day. One thing that informs this excitment, and passion for reading aloud, is our personal histories and read aloud memories. We decided to share these memories with each other, and with our community. This first story comes from Lindsey Manwell, LitWorld's Illuminator. She is the artist behind our magical WRAD logo, and creates all of LitWorld's beautiful original artwork.

I was a good listener. I was acutely aware of my age and wanted to grow up as fast as possible which meant listening to everything I could, as hard as I could. Especially books. I learned early on that that's where I could find all the life morals I needed to know. So when I was read aloud to, the first thing I did was try to figure out the moral. Once I thought I had it, I would stop listening and daydream. I might chime back in at the end to confirm my awesomeness in suspecting the correct moral.

Sadly I was often right- books for children can be predictable. So naturally my first memory of being stunned and moved by a book was one where fun reigned, and the moral wasn't the center of the story. The teacher turned down the lights one afternoon like usual and we all drew in around the carpet while she sat up on a stool. I was daydreaming (obviously) until the story caught my attention. A Centipede was singing a song in complete rhymes, and he was in the middle of a giant peach with a boy and some other insects. They were literally inside a peach - eating it - and this centipede would not stop his rhyming. With each rhyme, I marveled. Everything in that moment was heightened. It was a hot LA day and I can still smell the carpet in the room and remember where I was sitting. I will never forget James and Giant Peach.

Sample World Read Aloud Day Website, Blog and Social Media Posts

It's time to mobilize the world to Read It Forward! Use the sample website, blog, and social media posts below to spread the World Read Aloud Day movement far and wide.

You can also download the WRAD Badge to add to your website or blog, and change your avatar on your social media pages to rally more participatns for World Read Aloud Day.

Sample Blog or Website Post:

Read It Forward on World Read Aloud Day March 6

Imagine a world where everyone can read...

March 6, 2013, is World Read Aloud Day, an awareness day advocating for literacy as a human right. Celebrate by reading aloud, giving away a book, or taking action in any way you can to "Read It Forward" on behalf of the 793 million people who cannot yet read or write.

World Read Aloud Day creates a community of people who are advocating for every child’s right to learn to read and technology that will make them lifelong readers. Everyone can change the world and Read It Forward call to action and reading aloud with loved ones or new friends. Read It Forward, creating a ripple effect that resonates around the world with the power of story and shared words.

Visit /wrad to join the Read It Forward movement. Register your participation, and spread the word to friends, family, and networks for March 6! LitWorld, the organization that founded World Read Aloud Day, offers free downloadable activity kits full of ideas for children, teens, families, educators, and professionals at

Follow LitWorld:

Sample Tweets or Facebook Posts:

All children have the right to read. Read It Forward on 3/6/13 World Read Aloud Day with @litworldsays. #ReadAloud

Read it Forward on 3/6/13 for a literate world. Celebrate World #ReadAloud Day with @litworldsays

World Read Aloud Day is 3/6/13. #ReadAloud. Change the World. @litworldsays

Give the gift of reading aloud. Read it Forward with @litworldsays on 3/6/13 World #ReadAloud Day. 

The Movement is Spreading...

We are excited, humbled and extraordinarily grateful for the outpouring of enthusiasm, love and support for World Read Aloud Day 2013!

If you haven't already, watch our one minute WRAD video below to get inspired and energized for this year's celebration. Please share with your friends, family members and social media networks to spread the global literacy movement far and wide.


Don't forget that we have loads of activities and recommendations to help you plan your celebration, visit our WRAD Activities page to download our resources for free.

If you'd like to arrange a video chat with an author for your classroom or community, click here to contact our amazing WRADvocate Kate Messner!

We'd also like to thank LitWorld friends Adam Shaffer, Tracee Orman, Jennifer Reed, Susan Dee and Colby Sharp for the beautiful blog posts that not only spread the World Read Aloud Day, but capture the joy of this special day so perfectly. Thank you, thank you, thank you for honoring the 793 million people that cannot read or write.