Special Surprises on a Monday Morning

Though we're sad to say goodbye to the weekend, at LitWorld we just love when Monday drops a pleasant surprise at our doorstep. Look what arrived in the mail today! Our beautiful World Read Aloud Day 2013 banner, and stickers by the wonderful Lindsey Manwell. Learn more about Lindsey's favorite read aloud memory here.

We're couldn't be more excited to display these lovely works of art for all to see. What's your favorite animal on the WRAD logo (WRAnimal)? My personal favorite is the turtle. It's also worth noting that though LitWorld staff members Yaya and Leah appear to be ten feet tall in the picture above, it is in fact an optical illusion.


Have a great Monday everyone!

--Natasha Rivera, LitWorld Intern

Accept the World Read Aloud Day Blogging Challenge!

The World Read Aloud Day “Read It Forward” Blogging Challenge begins February 10 and runs through March 6. If you choose to take the challenge, each week you will be asked to write a post in response to a prompt or question (outlined below), for a total of 4 posts counting down to World Read Aloud Day.

Each of the prompts addresses the WRAD theme “Read It Forward.” Read it Forward describes the ripple effect of positive change that resonates around the world when we read aloud with loved ones or new friends.

WRAD Read It Forward Blogging Challenge: Weekly Outline

Week 1: February 10 – February 16

What do you think is special about reading aloud?

Your first mission is to answer this question. We are using this prompt to bring awareness to the act of reading aloud. It is meant to be open-ended to draw out many different perspectives, and we anticipate that every answer will have a unique style and format.

After answering the prompt, share a short description of how you plan to celebrate WRAD on March 6. Who will you celebrate with? Where will you be? If you have celebrated WRAD in the past, what activities brought you and those you celebrated with the most joy? If you haven't finalized your plans, or if this will be your first WRAD celebration, Use this space to share your brainstorming process, and direct your readers to litworld.org for activities and recommendations.'

Week 2: February 17 - February 23

Now & Then

Answer the following questions twice. The first time, answer how you would have when you were 10 years old (or any age from elementary school that you remember clearly) and the second time, answer in the present.

1. I think everyone in the world should read...

When I was 10:


(repeat this format for the remaining questions)

2. If I could listen to anyone in the world read aloud to me it would be...

3. When I read aloud, my favorite character to impersonate is...

4. The genre that takes up the most room on my bookshelf (or e-reader) is...

5. The last book I wish I’d written or inspired me to write my own story is...

Week 3: February 24 - March 2

A Snapshot of My Reading Life

Post a photo that gives readers a glimpse into your reading life. This could be your favorite place to read, your bookshelf, your library, a classroom, a book from childhood that you still re-read today, your favorite person to read with. Anything that brings joy to your reading life will work!

Below the photo share a short narrative explaining why this picture is meaningful to you.

Week 4: March 3 - March 8

Read It Forward!

It’s time to read aloud! Select a favorite text, or a personal story that you love to share out loud, and make a video. If you don’t have a webcam, are having technical difficulties, or prefer not to be on camera, you can also translate this challenge into a written post. Share what you will be reading on World Read Aloud Day, and why you chose this particular piece to read aloud.

If you choose to take up the WRAD Read It Forward blogging challenge, make sure to tweet your weekly posts to @litworldsays so that we can retweet your wonderful read aloud stories! Happy blogging!


Meet Regional WRADvocate Vincent Ventura from Monterrey, Mexico

Vincent Ventura works at the American School Foundation of Monterrey (ASFM) in Mexico. He is a passionate and dedicated literacy advocate and a great friend of LitWorld. We asked Vincent how he plans to Read It Forward for World Read Aloud Day.

"This will be our 3rd year of celebrating World Read Aloud Day! Each year, the event gets bigger and bigger! At the American School Foundation of Monterrey (ASFM), we celebrate WRAD since we understand that reading is crucial to the success of our students. Besides academic success, we embrace the power of story. The ability to communicate with each other is imperative.

Literate citizens are informed. Literate citizens are powerful. Literate citizens are agents of change. Literate citizens celebrate World Read Aloud Day.

On March 6, teacher volunteers from various schools in Monterrey will be reading aloud to the community. We will be decorating classroom doors to represent each classroom's favorite books, and we are encouraging students to dress up as their favorite literary character. We will be reading aloud during recess and have arranged video chats with authors and guest readers. To encourage community-wide participation we are having a WRAD slogan contest open to families and the community at large.

We are excited to Read It Forward and anticipate many surprises and warm reading memories on World Read Aloud Day." 

Follow Vincent on Twitter to stay up to date with his wonderful WRAD celebration plans!

My Favorite Read Aloud Memory: Megan Karges

The next member of the LitWorld team to share a favorite read aloud memory is Megan Karges, our Dot Connector and Social Media Coordinator. 

"Growing up I spent most of the summer at a cottage on Georgian Bay. Every night my sister and I, and any of our friends that happened to be visiting, sat on our bunk bed listening to my dad tell the latest adventures of Corky and Fritz. He made these stories up on the spot, and fully committed to their delivery. It was a read aloud, it was a performance, it was a spectacle. 

Corky's laugh was a hybrid of Woody Woodpecker and some unknown creature. A dinosaur perhaps. Naturally Fritz had an eccentric sense of humor to trigger Corky's infectious laugh, which caused a chain reaction of giggling from the captive audience. The off-the-wall adventures of this bumbling pair kept my sister and I laughing throughout the winter while we waited for July, and the chance to catch up with old friends."

Introducing Social Media WRADvocate Shannon Miller

Meet LitWorld Social Media WRADvocate Shannon McClintock Miller! Social Media WRADvocates are outstanding supporters of children and their reading lives who are promoting World Read Aloud Day 2013 in their extended online networks and serving in an advisory capacity to LitWorld's social media team.

Shannon is the district teacher librarian and technology integration specialist at Van Meter Community School in Van Meter, Iowa. She is also an educational consultant for Mackin Educational Resources and Rosen Publishing. She encourages her students to have a voice while learning, creating, collaborating, and connecting to others within their school and around the world.

Stay up to date with Shannon's World Read Aloud Day actions and activity! Follow her on Twitter and head over to her award winning blog, the Van Meter Library Voice.