Pam Heads to Cali for "Your Child's Writing Life!"

Next Monday Pam will travel to California on a tour for her most recent book, Your Child's Writing Life: How to Inspire Confidence, Creativity, and Skill at Every Age. She will travel to the Kidspace Children's Museum in Los Angeles, visit schools in San Francisco, Sonoma, and San Jose, and present at The Innovative Learning Conference to spread the message of writing as a life-long journey.

Pam's book offers a resource to parents and educators everywhere on nurturing and supporting their child or student's love for writing. She provides five keys to help kids WRITE: Word Power, Ritual, Independence, Time, and Environment, and reminds us that writing is an essential part of self-discovery and critical to success later in life.

Check out Pam's speaking schedule on her website to find out when and where she'll be next:

See you there!