LitWorld Board Member Chernor Bah Leads UN Youth Takeover on Malala Day

Today is Malala Yousafzai's 16th birthday. Last October she was shot by the Taliban for speaking out and standing up for every girl's right to an education. Today LitWorld Board Member and Leader of the Youth Advisory Group for the United Nations Education First Initiative, Chernor Bah, lead the Malala Day celebration at the UN. Malala addressed the audience, and rallied the world to mobilize for every girl's right to a quality education.

Our LitWorld interns were part of the audience of more than 600 young leaders at the UN Youth Takeover. After Malala's speech, youth from over 60 countries presented members of the UN with The Youth Resolution: The Education Young People Want, an official document conveying young people's demands on education.

LitWorld's work in the LitClubs and Camps worldwide speaks to every point that Malala made in her speech, for these are portable, nimble, democratic solutions that can change the world of education. Our essence, our core, the foundation of our work is exactly what she said: books, pens and the power of the human voice to change the world.