LitWorld Featured on CNN and Al Jazeera Live

LitWorld messages and innovations are spreading around the world. With the recent abduction of over 250 girls from a classroom in Chibok, Nigeria, spreading our mobile and nimble programs is more urgent than ever. Literacy and access to a safe education are fundamental and foundational human rights that break the cycle of extreme poverty and guarantee better health and livelihood outcomes for girls and boys. LitClubs harness the transformational power of story. Children who understand their own stories and who are exposed to the stories of others build empathy, compassion and leaders who understand that their words have power to change the world.

LitWorld's Executive Director, Pam Allyn, was recently interviewed by CNN International and Al Jazeera Live to talk about the global learning crisis and to explain how we can tell a new story for our world's children, and how they in turn will tell a new story for our world. Watch the interviews below.

Uploaded by litworld on 2014-05-06.

Uploaded by litworld on 2014-05-06.