September News for You: No More Lost Girls

The back-to-school brings anticipation of new possibilities and marks the start of LitWorld's Stand Up for Girls program. In honor of the International Day of the Girl on October 11th, we are working harder than ever to get every girl into a safe learning community where her own stories reign supreme. Read on to learn how you can join the Stand Up for Girls movement.

Right now there are at least 150 million girls who are not in school. Their unheard stories are a devastating loss for the whole world.

Stand Up for Girls right now:

1. Spread the word on social media. Share LitWorld's video and use these sample posts to tell your network why you'll Stand Up for Girls on October 11th.

2. Host an event for your friends, family, co-workers or students. Our free activity packet has everything you need to get started.

3. Show your support by using the Stand Up for Girls logo as your profile picture on social media or posting a photo with the Stand Up for Girls sign along with a personal story.

4. Launch a fundraiser on behalf of LitWorld using CrowdRise or make a donation today. We are ready to bring our programs to thousands more girls around the world but we need your help.

Our Hope for the World's Girls

It is our mission to empower girls around the world to author lives of independence, hope and joy. We are watching this happen every day through updates from our regional coordinators around the world and right here in New York. 

This is a momentous back-to-school season as the girls from our first LitClub are now college freshmen! We had the privilege of escorting some of our members to their new campuses. We are so proud of this intrepid group and we cannot wait to watch the girls become literacy leaders in their new communities.

Handwriting is NOT a Lost Art

This back-to-school season we are advocating for the power of a diverse writing life. All LitWorld programs, including those that feature technology, highlight the power of putting pen to paper.

In an op-ed published by the Miami Herald, LitWorld's Founder Pam Allyn writes: "Beyond all the educational reasons for why handwriting still matters in this, the 21st century, is the fact that one's own unique style is a fingerprint, a mark upon the world that belongs to that child, and no one else." Click here to read the full piece