May News: Our LitKids Have a Story to Tell

We Are the LitWorld Story.

Last week, our vibrant and dedicated community united at the LitWorld Spring Fundraiser to make sure every child gets access to the transforming power of literacy. Watch our LitKids tell the LitWorld story in our two-minute Spring Fundraiser video, and browse photo highlights from the evening on the LitWorld Facebook page!

Spotlight on LitWorld Mississippi

LitWorld programs are expanding across the United States. A few weeks ago our team traveled to Jackson, Mississippi to be with our local partner Springboard to Opportunities. Together we have launched LitClubs in three communities in Mississippi, the state with the highest child poverty and lowest literacy rates in the US. Our LitKids and LitWorld leaders are telling a new story about Mississippi in which children and families use literacy to launch their dreams and become change-makers in their communities. 

A New Partnership Begins with Omaha Nation

With our partner GlobalGirls, we also visited Nebraska this month to plan the launch of Girls LitClubs and LitCamps with members of the Omaha Nation Tribal Council. Fifty percent of the 8,400 people who live here are under 18 years old. It is a community brimming with stories and leaders who are committed to creating opportunities for this young population to thrive. Together with the leaders of the Omaha tribe we will make sure that the voices of the young women of this community are heard, that their dreams are supported and that their identity as Omaha is cherished.