LitWorld: A Global Force for Change

LitWorld Spring Fundraiser 2016
Monday, May 9th
6:30 - 9:00pm

We are counting down to the LitWorld Spring Fundraiser. Whether you will be with us in person on May 9th, or supporting us from afar, your contribution will directly impact the children and families we serve in over 25 countries. Click here to purchase tickets or make a contribution. Here is what you can make possible:

  • $1,000 can bring the Family Literacy Text Message Program to all families of Detroit public schools.
  • $600 can sponsor eight children to join a LitClub in Nepal for one year.
  • $300 can provide two tablets stocked with e-books and apps to our LitWorld library in Harlem to support our digital family LitClubs.
  • $100 can provide "LitKits" to HerStory LitClubs in Roldanillo, Colombia to advocate for and support their learning lives. (LitKits include: feminine hygiene products, pencils, pens, notebooks, and art supplies.)
  • $50 can give a woman in Rwinkwavu, Rwanda the opportunity to join the Moms LitClub program for economic and literacy empowerment.