7 Strengths of Super Readers

As summer draws near, LitWorld Leaders Pam Allyn and Dr. Ernest Morrell are sharing tips for making this a Super Reader summer for children in Scholastic Teacher Magazine.

"Summer is a time of promise, when the light is golden and the sound of children’s voices echo in the air, even after darkness begins to come across the sky. For us as teachers, and for the families we serve, summer can be a period of great joy, but it can also stretch in front of us in a way that worries us: Will our children thrive as readers in these months? 

It is during this time that children are at risk for the “summer slide,” a phenomenon that occurs when they are not reading or connecting with books in a rich and robust way. These “lost” months are not only a time when students may remain static in their reading progress—they can also “fall back” and lose ground."

Click here to read the full article in Scholastic Teacher Magazine.