The HerStory Sisterhood
"We are leaving here with sisters from every part of the world, and that is the greatest strength of this summit."
These closing words from the second annual Global HerStory Summit, co-created with our amazing partner Global G.L.O.W., sing the powerful story of this signature HerStory Campaign event and the work we do together in partnership with communities every day of the year.
At the Summit, our girls and their mentors from LitClubs around the world came together in New York City during the UN Women's Commission on the Status of Women to learn and share experiences. They created their very own Community Action Plans to bring change to their communities through the power of story. Now, the girls have returned to their homes to put their ideas into action. Our HerStory Youth Ambassadors are creating positive, lasting, girl-driven change in the world. And it is the power of their own stories that fuels that change.
Girl-Driven Change
HerStory Leaders with Ravi Karkara of UN Women
The Power of Story Connects to the Work of UN Women
The Summit was held in conjunction with UN Women’s 61st Annual Commission on the Status of Women to ensure that action plans were aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Ravi Karkara, Senior Advisor for Strategic Partnerships at UN Women, joined us to share his commitment to gender equity and passion for advocacy on behalf of all girls.
The Power of Story Fuels Community-Based Change
Juany, the Director of Otra Cosa Network, our partner organization in Peru, reported that the HerStory Ambassadors had their first meeting with the Mayor of Huanchaco in Cerrito de la Virgen as the first step in their Community Action Plan. They are hard at work to make access to water a reality!
The Power of Story Creates Safe Learning Spaces
Winney and the group of Ambassadors from Kenya are working to create LitClub-Houses, safe, permanent space for girls to attend the LitClub program, study and store essential learning supplies like notebooks, pens, and even sanitary pads. In LitClub, Winney has learned, “Once a girl has knowledge, she will be able to fight for her own rights and prove others wrong. Then she will succeed in life and even empower other girls.”
Winney is already empowering other girls in her own community and will become a mentor for LitClubs now that she has graduated from secondary school. Winney is a powerful example of how the HerStory Campaign supports girls to grow into young women who have a positive impact on themselves, their own communities, and the world.
The Power to Change the World
From the friendships formed during this amazing week, to the profoundly beautiful stories written, told, and displayed by our LitClub members, and our organization's extraordinary partnership with Global Girls Leading Our World, the HerStory Campaign is modeling the power of women and girls to change the world.
You can support this crucial work of equity through literacy by joining us at LitWorld's 10th Anniversary Spring Gala on May 10. We invite you to this special evening as we celebrate a decade of supporting kids to author their own lives and stories.