Pam Allyn Talks Reading Aloud With Doctor Radio

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On Friday, January 12th, our founder Pam Allyn spoke live with the hosts of Doctor Radio's "Child Psychiatry/Psychology: About Our Kids" program on Sirius XM.

"Reading has always been about that idea of personal freedom and taking chances in very safe spaces," said Pam, "I find a personal power in what I read—narrative is a comfort and an inspiration, and I want all children to have that."

The program included a lively discussion of child brain development, early literacy skills, educational tools, and LitWorld's signature day of advocacy: World Read Aloud Day.

"Books don't always have to be this heavy thing for kids where they worry about taking a test after reading them," Pam said, "At some point, reading is hard for all of us. For children who struggle with reading, we must ask them what it would take to make it easier. Some will answer that the book they're reading is boring or difficult to follow—these are very different answers, and they require different approaches from parents and teachers."

The program is available to stream on-demand now.