Art of a Child, Uganda
“What about a birthday for the Read Aloud?”, a young reader asked Pam Allyn during one of her visits to a LitClub. “Why DON’T we have one?” was the immediate thought that spread through the (then small) LitWorld team.
And so, World Read Aloud Day (WRAD) was born in 2010, as a celebration of reading aloud, community, literacy and the importance of sharing stories. Since 2010, the celebration has spread like wildfire, with educators, parents, children and community members picking up a book and gathering together to read, listen and connect.
ESNAD, Palestine
In 2016, the #worldreadaloudday hashtag reached the top 5 trending topics on Twitter in the United States and has continued trending every year since. Thousands of influential educators, authors and celebrities have acknowledged the day on social media, sharing the impact reading aloud has had on their lives and the lives of their loved ones. As of today, World Read Aloud Day branded posts have reached more than 61.5 million people worldwide.
Museo Rayo, Colombia
So what can you do to make sure you take part in this amazing celebration of literacy, community and the power of reading aloud? Head over to learn more from our World Read Aloud Day page, where you can pick up WRAD tips and tricks, learn how to make a reading crown and get more information about LitWorld’s 7 Strengths!