Kind Boys in Cameroon
“I joined LitClub in September 2017 following an invitation from a close friend who was part of the LitClub. He told me of the interesting activities they carried out in the LitClub and how enjoyable it was to be part of it. I decided to accompany him on one of the meeting days. “ says 13 year old Ryan Stephane, member of the Kind Boys LitClub at Vision for Education and Development in Cameroon.
Ryan and the other boys of the “Kind Boys” club have been meeting weekly with their mentors and continuing on growing various skills through activities centered around the LitWorld 7 Strengths. They recently partcitipated in an “One Minute Interview” activity, where they practiced interview questions and answers with each other. The local Partnership Coordinator, Fideline Mboringong, reports: “The boys went home smiling as they acted like journalists. “
Practicing your handshake for those future interviews!
The mentors continue to see positive change in the boys’ behavior after each week of LitClubs. As another LitClub member, Karl Sedney, put it: “Before joining the LitClub, I used to be very shy and had difficulties in expressing myself. I lacked courage in facing crowds and I could not speak even in class. I was so shy even when I was amongst my peers and classmates. Ever since I joined the LitClub, through the lessons on the strengths of courage and confidence, I have finally gained the courage and confidence that I lacked at first and can now express myself very freely and without fear.
I am no longer shy to face crowds and I have learned to be bold, courageous and have confidence in myself that I can do whatever it is that I am required to do. I am now able to do things that I could not do at first like talking freely in class, facing my peers and expressing myself.”
As always, LitWorld is thrilled to be a part of these young men’s stories. Together, we can continue to inspire each other to be the best we can be, one Read Aloud at a time!
All smiles with mentor Herman and the boys during the weekly Check-in Question.