P.S. 8 Brooklyn Girls Club Puts a New Twist on Social Studies


Marybeth Gazlay, the facilitator for the Brooklyn Girls Club at P.S. 8, puts a new twist on Social Studies for the girls! These photos are a sneak peek of what the girls in Brooklyn have been up to.  As you can see from the first two pictures, Marybeth supplements their Social Studies curriculum with use of a subscription of Time Magazine for Kids.  She uses non-fiction as a genre to teach skills including current events, map work, and to begin challenging the girls to begin critical thinking.

They also use arts education, and this picture above is from a trip to the Guggenheim Museum in NYC.  The girls had a Guggenheim Teaching Artist that worked with them for 20 weeks in many different mediums! 

This last picture is another program used to supplement their Social Studies curriculum called Foundations of Democracy through the Center for Civic Education programming.  It promotes character education through reading, writing, and role playing. 
Thank you so much for all your great work, Marybeth! We love seeing these young girls develop into confident young leaders through your guidance and leadership.