Girls Club Harlem Go On Their First College Visit!

Our Teen Girls Club at Polo Grounds went on their first college visits last week. It was so inspiring to watch them get so excited about what's to come for their future. These young women are headed for success, with a brand new determination and motivation to get to where they want to be: college. The girls got a chance to visit Barnard College, Columbia University, Fordham University, and the quaint campus (and gorgeous castle!) of Manhattanville College. Thanks to Professor Katie Cunningham at Manhattanville, the girls had a special day planned out just for them, complete with their favorite activity: a luncheon at an offical college dining hall!

One of the best moments for me was watching Aisatou gaze over the Columbia campus, wave her arm in front of the grand sight she sees, and then proclaims, "I can't wait to experience ALL of this someday." Check out our photos below, along with a personal reflection piece written by Natasha Croom on the bottom of the entry. -Ruby, Teen Girls Harlem Facilitator

On the Steps of the Columbia University Library

In Front of the Beautiful Castle at Manhattanvile College

Debriefing the College Visit Experience with our E.D. Pam Allyn, Michael Robles of the Polo Grounds, LitWorld Special Projects Coordinator Jen Estrada, Programs Assistant Alyssa Dudzik, and our intern Nadia Hudani. 

A Reflection of the College Visit Experience

By: Natasha Croom

The college experience last week was really fun. It was so exciting and real. It felt like I was about to go to college even though I really have one more year. I really love all three of the schools we visited.

Manhattanville college was my favorite one. It inspired me so much. I'm going to apply there my senior year. Fordham University was fun, too. I'm thinking about applying there, but it is too close to home and I really want to live on campus. I can't wait to dorm at my new University!

Now that college is a year away, I'm already planning on scholarships and financial aid. The college trip inspired me to pull my grades up, and to get ready for my personal essay. Exciting things ahead!